Help with GRC

Hi, I am trying to transmit a sine wave modulated with different
modulation schemes using GRC. What I don’t understand is that at the
receiver, since the output of the demodulator is in bits(0,1), what
block should I connect in order to see my reconstructed sine wave? I
connected a scope sink at the output of the demodulator where I was able
to see a waveform between 0 and 1, but I actually need to see the
original sine wave.

Also about the type conversions, do these conversions are specifically
because of the data types in C++. What I understand from them is that
some blocks may take input in bytes and their output may be complex , so
in order to connect them to another block with different input output
types, we need these type conversions. Also the block input-output data
type is dependent upon the type of data they are meant to process. Is my
understanding correct?

Any help is really appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
Somya A. Â

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in order to see my reconstructed sine wave? I connected a scope sink at the
output of the demodulator where I was able to see a waveform between 0 and
1, but I actually need to see the original sine wave.

What sine wave are you transmitting? I’ll assume you have connected a
‘signal_source’ to the input of the modulator. This takes the
/digital samples/ of the sine wave, and transmits them. That’s why
you are getting ones and zeros at the output, it’s a digital stream
that needs to be recombined into bytes at the receiver and then it
will be a sine wave again (for, say, outputting to your sound card).
