Help with Gallery Extension

I have installed the Gallery Extension, but am not sure how to get
started. I’ve read the README in rdoc, and have search through this
lists’ archives, but have not found a simple example that shows how
to create a new gallery so I can upload images.

Will someone please help?


If i remember correctly when you do rake
radiant:extensions:gallery:install you should have two new default
pages with a sample gallery.

If you don’t you can create a new page and check the available tags.
To upload files you should use the new tabs available in the admin

2007/10/30, Phillip K. [email protected]:

On 10/31/07, Giovanni I. [email protected] wrote:

If i remember correctly when you do rake
radiant:extensions:gallery:install you should have two new default
pages with a sample gallery.

It should be work with the command above…then you can find some
example under the layouts folder…let me know :slight_smile:

As I’m working with galleries adding images and such, is there some
easy way to get back to the Radiant admin home panel? Is Back all
there is?

You can click on the pages Tab

Potential problem(s):

I’m getting some Javascript errors when I go into Galleries off the
Radiant admin panel. With one gallery defined, I get these two errors
(reported in Firebug):

Which version of prototype are you using?

Giovanni / Andrea

Thanks for the help. I had overlooked the Gallery tab in the admin
interface. That was the part that befuddled me: how to create a new
gallery and upload images. Got it now.

Another question:

As I’m working with galleries adding images and such, is there some
easy way to get back to the Radiant admin home panel? Is Back all
there is?

Potential problem(s):

I’m getting some Javascript errors when I go into Galleries off the
Radiant admin panel. With one gallery defined, I get these two errors
(reported in Firebug):

  • gallery_tree has no properties
    gallery_tree.createItem(1, null);
    gallery (line 46)

  • GalleryTree is not defined
    var gallery_tree = new GalleryTree ({
    gallery (line 3)

When clicking on the one gallery to view it, I get this error:

  • GallerySortableList is not defined
    GallerySortableList.create(‘list’, …
    1 (line 51)

Clicking on the edit link of the one image in my gallery produces no
result and this error:

  • GalleryItemPopup is not defined
    1 (line 1)

And finally, clicking on the “Switch to url mode” link produces this

  • Gallery is not defined
    1 (line 1)

I’m using:
Firefox on Mac OS X 10.4
Radiant 0.6.2 (gem)
Gallery 0.6.3
on Dreamhost (if it matters)

Also, the /admin/gallery page is without style. Is that how it’s
supposed to be? Using Firebug, I was looking for CSS that might be
loading, and it does not appear to be loading any. Since this is a
page off of the admin panel, I’m not sure if there’s anything that I
need to do to make it work correctly.


Hi Andrea,

On Oct 31, 2007, at 8:01 AM, Andrea F. wrote:

As I’m working with galleries adding images and such, is there some
easy way to get back to the Radiant admin home panel? Is Back all
there is?

You can click on the pages Tab

There isn’t a Pages tab. The Radiant Admin styling isn’t there.
Maybe it’s related to some other problem?

Potential problem(s):

I’m getting some Javascript errors when I go into Galleries off the
Radiant admin panel. With one gallery defined, I get these two errors
(reported in Firebug):

Which version of prototype are you using?

After I sent the message before, I thought, “Oh, I should have
included the Prototype version.” Heh heh. 1.5.0_rc2. I suppose
that is the version that is provided by Dreamhost’s rails install.
Hmm… not sure where the rc_2 came from. I just created a new rails
app to check the default prototype, and it’s 1.5.0, which is coming
from rails 1.2.3.

Which version of Prototype do you suggest I use?


After I sent the message before, I thought, “Oh, I should have
included the Prototype version.” Heh heh. 1.5.0_rc2. I suppose
that is the version that is provided by Dreamhost’s rails install.
Hmm… not sure where the rc_2 came from. I just created a new rails
app to check the default prototype, and it’s 1.5.0, which is coming
from rails 1.2.3.

I’ve just installed radiant from gem 0.6.3, and the gallery extension
0.6.3 (the same version :stuck_out_tongue: ) and all work fine…can you try with
these versions?

Thanks for testing, Andrea. Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to
upgrade to Radiant 0.6.3 on DreamHost. I’ve been trying off and on
all day and the process gets killed every time. Might you have some
other suggestion that I can try? I did give Prototype a
shot, but that resulted in 14000+ Javascript errors (which I believe
is due to a mismatch between Prototype and Scriptaculous…I’ve
encountered that before).


On 10/31/07, Phillip K. [email protected] wrote:

Thanks for testing, Andrea. Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to
upgrade to Radiant 0.6.3 on DreamHost. I’ve been trying off and on
all day and the process gets killed every time. Might you have some
other suggestion that I can try? I did give Prototype a
shot, but that resulted in 14000+ Javascript errors (which I believe
is due to a mismatch between Prototype and Scriptaculous…I’ve
encountered that before).

Yo Philip, I have an instance of radiant 0.6.2 here:

with prototype 1.5.0_rc2…and all works…it’s very strange…I’ll
try again tomorrow :slight_smile:

Is your site online right now? maybe the problem is related to the way
paths are mapped…
are you using radiant in a subdirectory?

Thanks Andrea. I’d like to say again something I said earlier, but
using different words :slight_smile:

When I enter the Radiant admin panel and click on the Galleries tab,
the resulting page (which I think is your list.rhtml) is not
rendering in Radiant’s application.rhtml layout. No stylesheets or
javascripts are being loaded.

I have sort of managed to get Radiant 0.6.3 installed. It’s updated
anyway, but now my Radiant project isn’t working and the upgrade
instructions don’t work for me.

Thanks for all your help.


I am working on an image extension, which stores the images in the
database, then resizes them on retrieval. To make this at all usable,
I of course need to be able to cache the images. I had hoped to use
the Radiant system to do this, but so far have been unable to make
this work. I am basing the controller on the Radiant site_controller
and have been able to write the image to the cache folder without

The problems start when retrieving the image: first it does not
recognize that an image has been cached and when I force it, then
retrieving the image results in a blank page.

Two questions: should I even bother with the Radiant system? Does it
bring me an advantage or should I just use the standard rails caching.

Second Question: what am I doing wrong? Can this system even cache

Here is the image_controller, anything totally stupid and obvious?

Thanks for any help.

Keith B.

On Nov 1, 2007, at 5:24 AM, Andrea F. wrote:

Is your site online right now? maybe the problem is related to the way
paths are mapped…
are you using radiant in a subdirectory?

Yes, it is online. No, radiant is not in a subdir. It’s a gem. Can
you elaborate a little about your mapping thought? I’ve been working
with rails for only about 6 months, and I have not yet ventured into
anything other than the most basic route mapping.


recognize that an image has been cached and when I force it, then
retrieving the image results in a blank page.

Two questions: should I even bother with the Radiant system? Does it
bring me an advantage or should I just use the standard rails caching.

Second Question: what am I doing wrong? Can this system even cache

You’re doing nothing wrong, in fact, you’re reproducing my
shards_attachment extension (which you shouldn’t use because I find
parts of it distasteful and plan on rewriting it with unit tests and
a decent interface for transformation… eventually)

and probably more specifically:

There’s nothing that jumps out at me from your code as being wrong,
but I’ve been using the same technique that you’re attempting for
well over a year now, and it works a treat for me.



thanks for the example, I got it working. The url I was checking was
incorrect, now that the cache method checks the correct url, it works
just fine.


Second Question: what am I doing wrong? Can this system even cache

You’re doing nothing wrong, in fact, you’re reproducing my

By which I meant, you are doing something wrong, just that there’s
nothing fundamentally wrong with your plan.
