Help with function calls

Hi , I am fairly new to ruby.
I am using the trac4r gem to send tickets to Trac.

The issue that I am having is that I want to send Notifications.
The current code is working, but I am unable to find how to set the
notify variable to true. I feel that it is probably just some syntax
that I don’t know and was wondering if anyone could help me.

My call to the function:
“ ARGV[2], ARGV[3],:component => ARGV[4], :owner
=> ARGV[5]”

Source code in Gem:
# create a new ticket returning the ticket id
def create summary,description,attributes={ },notify=false

I was thinking that I can edit the gem directly, but i done really want
to do that and am hoping that “notify=false” is just a default that I
don’tknow how to override.

Thanks for your help.

I have literally been trying to figure this out for days and now I
figure it out 20min after posting the question.

I needed Curley braces around the Hash and then have the true variable
after and outside that, so simple now that I know. ARGV[2], ARGV[3], {:component => ARGV[4], :owner
=> ARGV[5] } , true