Help with form remote tag and select name from list

I have this code:

    <b>Repuestos</b><br />
<% @rp_parts.each do |rp_part| %> > <%=> <% end %>

<% form_remote_tag :url => { :action => :add_to_repair, :id =>, :aaaa => @repair_ticket.rp_item } do %>
<%= submit_tag “Add repair_part” %>
<% end %>

I don’t know how to send the from :aaaa. Is is possible
outside a form like the form in new.rhtml?

Hi John,
I was originally going to try and correct your code, but perhaps a
sample app is easier
Please download from and
see how you get on. The models might not be quite what you have, but
it shows a simple RESTful controller setup with a HABTM join table and
AJAX create/destroy associations.

Should put you back on track


Wildtangent wrote:

Hi John,
I was originally going to try and correct your code, but perhaps a
sample app is easier
Please download from and
see how you get on. The models might not be quite what you have, but
it shows a simple RESTful controller setup with a HABTM join table and
AJAX create/destroy associations.

Should put you back on track


Ok, thrank you very much. I think this simple app will be very helpful
and will be the new base for my project. Anyway, does anybody know if I
can do something with my code? For now on, I only want to know it in
order to gain experience.