Help with connecting to SQL Server 2005 Database with Ruby

I am quite new to ruby and trying to connect to a SQL Server 2005
Database with ruby to run a few queries but I am not getting anywhere.
Am I missing something? I am getting a connection refused on all counts.

I have installed the following gems: DBI,WIN32OLE,SEQUEL

Below are some of the strings that I have tried to use

db=Sequel.connect(database=@dbase, user=@user, pword=@pword,

db = Sequel.connect(‘postgres://username:password@hostdb/database’)

db=DBI.connect(“DBI:ADO:Provider=SQLNCLI;Data Source=hostdb;Initial



db=DBI.connect(“DBI:OLEDB:Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=@dbase;Initial
Catalog=@dbase;User Id=@user;Password=@pword”)

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Arti S. [email protected]

I am quite new to ruby and trying to connect to a SQL Server 2005
Database with ruby to run a few queries but I am not getting anywhere.
Am I missing something? I am getting a connection refused on all counts.

Try this if you’re using sequel:

DB = Sequel.ado(‘database_name’, :host => ‘localhost’, :user =>
:password => ‘password’)

Should work if you replace the ‘database_name’, host, user and password
your own.


Thank you Ben. This works now.