Help with complex array transformation


I have a following method

view(all_people, begin_date, end_date)

That’s give me an array like this:

for a first day (day 1)

view("*", ‘2009-12-01 00:00:00’, ‘2009-12-01 24:59:59’)

[[name_person1, room1], [name_person2, room2], [name_person3, room2]]

for a second day (day 2)

view("*", ‘2009-12-02 00:00:00’, ‘2009-12-02 24:59:59’)

[[name_person1, room1], [name_person3, room1], [name_person2, room2]]

And I need to organize theses arrays in a following structure:

[{room1 => [{day1 => [name_person1]},
{day2 => [name_person1, name_person3]}]
{room2 => [{day1 => [name_person2, name_person3]},
{day2 => [name_person2]}]

And finally put this array in a cvs strings

room1; day1; name_person1
room1; day2; name_person1
room1; day2; name_person3

room2; day1; name_person2
room2; day1; name_person3
room2; day2; name_person2

I tried some scripts for hours but I didn’t do this job!
Too complicated for my.

Someone can help me if this?

Thanks so much!

Hi, Bruno,

 I'm not too sure if I fully understood you, but this shouldn't be 

difficult in constructing the data structure, but quite of bit
for sure…

Just make an array of hashes of arrays…a room array, such as

arrRoom = [ “0”,
{“person”=>[day1, day2,…], # this is for room1,
{ #ditto for room2, arrRoom[2] } ]

Then based on the return value of your “view” method, you can do this:


view_method(day1).each do |person, room|



view_method(day2).each do |person, room|



(The above looks like it needs some code refactoring)

and finally, just run an each_loop on the arrRoom, and deference
all the hashes to get your result:

arrRoom.each do |room|
next if arrRoom[0]
arrRoom[room][person].each do |day|
# puts arrRoom[room] + arrRoom[room][person][day] +
# arrRoom[room][person]

The above “puts” is not absolutely correctly, you need to re-structure

other “persons” into account…


Hopefully this pseudo code helps you thinking along the line…


Am Donnerstag, 03. Dez 2009, 08:03:03 +0900 schrieb Bruno M.:

And finally put this array in a cvs strings

room1; day1; name_person1
room1; day2; name_person1
room1; day2; name_person3

room2; day1; name_person2
room2; day1; name_person3
room2; day2; name_person2

Let v' be the result of theview’ call.

by_room = { |h,k| h[k] = { |i,j| i[ j] = [] } }
days.each { |day|
v = view something, day
v.each { |(name,room)|
by_room[ room][ day].push name
by_room.each { |room,per_day|
per_day.each { |day,name|
puts [room,day,name].join(";")

Untestet and surely full of bugs at this complication level.
Do yourself a favour and divide it into at least two method/block
calls. Then consider about sorting…


I should donate a each one paypal credits…rsss

Thanks so much Nik Z. ,Bertram and Robert !!!

You save my time and my head :smiley:

I should give for each one a credit donation by te paypal or for this
forum : -)

I’ll apply theses snippets and modify them for my necessity.

This forum help me so much in a my painful journey with ruby rails.

Thanks again!

Best Regards!

2009/12/3 Bruno M. [email protected]:

I have a following method

view(all_people, begin_date, end_date)

That’s give me an array like this:

for a first day (day 1)

view(“*”, ‘2009-12-01 00:00:00’, ‘2009-12-01 24:59:59’)

I would rather change timestamp strings into objects of class Time or
DateTime because that is what they are You can do proper comparison
etc. I am aware that you can also do that with your string format but
if it is a timestamp it’s usually better to treat it as such.

[{room1 => [{day1 => [name_person1]},
{day2 => [name_person1, name_person3]}]
{room2 => [{day1 => [name_person2, name_person3]},
{day2 => [name_person2]}]

Why so many nesting levels? Why not

{room1 => [{day1 => [name_person1]},
{day2 => [name_person1, name_person3]}]
{room2 => [{day1 => [name_person2, name_person3]},
{day2 => [name_person2]}]

Or even

{room1 => {day1 => [name_person1]},
{day2 => [name_person1, name_person3]}
{room2 => {day1 => [name_person2, name_person3]},
{day2 => [name_person2]}

Methinks you are making the structure much more complex than
necessary, especially in light of the desired output:

I tried some scripts for hours but I didn’t do this job!
Too complicated for my.

See Bertram’s solution. I would have done it a bit different, mainly
including sorting.

room_day_assignments = {|h,k| h[k] = {|a,b| a[b] = []}

days.each do |day|
v = view…
v.each do |person, room|
room_day_assignments[room][day] << person


room_day_assignments.keys.sort.each do |room|
room_day = room_day_assignments[room]
room_day.keys.sort.each do |day|
room_day[day].each do |person|
printf “%s;%s;%s\n”, room, day, person




And Robert

I agree with you. My data structure is much complex for a information
that I need work. I like of your way to express a better output

Thanks so much again!

Bruno M. wrote:

I should donate a each one paypal credits…rsss

Thanks so much Nik Z. ,Bertram and Robert !!!

You save my time and my head :smiley:

I should give for each one a credit donation by te paypal or for this
forum : -)

I’ll apply theses snippets and modify them for my necessity.

This forum help me so much in a my painful journey with ruby rails.

Thanks again!

Best Regards!