i am a beginner and having problem in linux with this code:
class Song
def to_s
“Song: #@name–#@artist (#@duration)”
song = Song.new(“Bicylops”, “Fleck”, “2.60”)
=> the output looks like this:
a.rb:6:in initialize': wrong number of arguments (3 for 0) (ArgumentError) from a.rb:6:in
from a.rb:6
On Dec 9, 8:54 pm, Govinda K. [email protected] wrote:
=> the output looks like this:
a.rb:6:in initialize': wrong number of arguments (3 for 0) (ArgumentError) from a.rb:6:in
from a.rb:6
Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
In Ruby one can reopen a class at anytime and “monkey patch” it to add
new methods etc. Looks like you skipped the part in Programming Ruby
where the Song class was initially defined.
Govinda K. wrote:
=> the output looks like this:
a.rb:6:in initialize': wrong number of arguments (3 for 0) (ArgumentError) from a.rb:6:in
from a.rb:6
If you looked earlier in the chapter you would have seen an initialize
method that needs to be part of the Song class.
thanx for your help i solve the problem …
what actually is to_s and when we use this one?
yes, i skipped the first part. thanx for your help…
Govinda K. wrote:
thanx for your help i solve the problem …
what actually is to_s and when we use this one?
to_s converts an object to a string. In this case it converts the song
object to a format more readable than just using puts. It is also used
to convert numbers to strings, etc.
Govinda K. wrote:
yes, i skipped the first part. thanx for your help…
For the sake of other beginners, added initialize and a puts to last
line. Note, last line could be simplified to ‘puts song’.
class Song
def initialize(name, artist, duration)
@name, @artist, @duration = name, artist, duration
def to_s
“Song: #@name–#@artist (#@duration)”
song = Song.new(“Bicylops”, “Fleck”, “2.60”)
puts song.to_s # => Song: Bicylops–Fleck (2.60)