Help save my marriage correct route, so enable MVC logic v's should be regular file, trying to send

Hi All,

I’ve been up until the small hours for the past couple of night trying
to get my Rhodes navigation working!

In essence I have the following in the root index.erb

    <a href="<%= url_for :controller => :Model,
    :action => :do_Action %>">Model</a>

    <a href="<%= url_for :controller => :Model2,
    :action => :do_Action2 %>">Model2</a>

However, Model and Model2 behave differently, thus:

Extract from rholog.txt …

HttpServer| Decide what to do with uri /app/Model/do_Action

HttpServer| Uri /app/Model/do_Action is correct route, so enable MVC

HttpServer| Decide what to do with uri /app/OtherModel/do_OtherAction

HttpServer| Uri /app/OtherModel/do_OtherAction should be regular file,
trying to send it

… resulting in …

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

So my question really boils down to what does the framework use to
decide whether to treat the request as either a correct route
therefore invoking the MVC logic or as a regular file, which will
never be found as do_OtherAction doesn’t exist!

Many thanks in advance,

which tool you are using to develop Rhodes applications?