I have a ruby program that I use to generate text files from a single
array’s data, but what I would like to do is be able to have it generate
files from multiple arrays and save them in a different folder when it
starts writing files from a different array.
One problem I’m facing is how to read an array from a file. If I have a
file with an only an array in it, how do I apply a method such as
“.generate” to the array? Do I name the array inside the file, such as
“array1” and then apply the method “.generate”? Or can it be applied to
the file itself, such as “file1.generate”?
cities = [‘Nashville’,
cities.each do |city|
output = %Q(#{city})
#Saves File.
File::open("C:\\Documents And
')}.txt", ‘w’) do |f|
f.write output
I’m not sure of the best way to expand this code to have it generate
files for multiple arrays and have each array’s generated files be saved
in a separate folder instead of all of them together. To keep from
having 1 huge file, I’d like to have each array in a different file, but
if this isn’t the best way to do it, can someone give me a better