Help on Regular EXpression

i need to validate user input for my designation field .
that field should accept(alphapets,numbers,-,&)
example => System support - Trainee
could u people help me with the reqular expression.
Thanks for any helps

/^([-a-z0-9-& ]+)$/i

Should do it

Am 13.06.2009 um 06:44 schrieb heimdull:

/^([-a-z0-9-& ]+)$/i

Should do it

I’d be careful with ^ and $ in regular expressions. I haven’t tested
it, but that would also match ‘Some stuff\nSome other funny stuffäää’,
because ^ and $ match the beginning and end of a line, if your string
has several lines, you won’t test the whole string. If you really want
to test the whole string, use \A and \Z to match the beginning and the
end of the string. The Regex would be:

/\A[-a-z0-9-& ]+\Z/i

Anyway, you can also visit to test your regexes.

