I am starting to BDD. When specing the controller I want to test for
object creation:
it “deberia crear una nueva persona en post create” do
Usuario.should_receive(:create).with({:nombre => “camilo”, :clave
=> “secreta”, :tipo => “administrador”}).and_return(@usuario)
post 'create', {:usuario => {:nombre => "camilo", :clave =>
“secreta”, :tipo => “administrador”}}
But when I add this spec, I start getting this:
ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken in ‘UsuarioController
deberia crear una nueva persona en post create’
No :secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call. Set that or use a
session store capable of generating its own keys (Cookie Session
This is the only failure. Line 30 is the post “create”.
I am on Ruby 1.8.6, Rails 2.0.2, Rspec 1.1.3 (saw in
I searched google for solutions, found this:
then I added
@controller.class.protect_from_forgery :secret => “secretkey”
in the before(:each) method. I put the same secret key I found in
environment.rb. But now it gives me:
I am lost. Why this happens? should not work just fine from the rails
default configuration?.
I have not changed anything in the environment.rb nor application.rb.
This is just a new project to learn BDD and RoR. Thanks for any clue
to get this to work.