Help needed with link_to_remote

I have a table that I automatically generate on the fly from all the
Positions in teh database, I want the user to be able to click on a
close link next to a position and for the list to be automatically

I currently have

<%= link_to_remote('Close', :update => 'position', :url => { :action => :close, :id => position, :closing_date => } ) %>

and in my positions_controller
def close
#@position = Position.find(params[:id])
#@position.closing_date = params[:closing_date]
render(:layout => false)

So all I’m trying to do is update the view right now

And it doesn’t work.

As there are no form elements (buttons, input etc), I’m fairly sure that
I shouldn’t be using the form_remote tag, but how do I get this to work?

Looking through the Agile book I can’t see what I’m doing wrong,


What’s the element referenced by id=“position” ?
If you’re on IE and the element is part of a HTML table, you might be
in trouble.

What Rails version are you on? And what Prototype version (see
beginning of public/javascripts/protoype.js)?

Btw, Rails 0.14.x should work fine with IE table elements.


Am 09.11.2005 um 08:39 schrieb Kev J.:

Thomas F. wrote:

What’s the element referenced by id=“position” ?

it’s a div inside a table…

If you’re on IE and the element is part of a HTML table, you might be
in trouble.

I’m testing on firefox 1.5 so no IE problems as yet

What Rails version are you on? And what Prototype version (see
beginning of public/javascripts/protoype.js)?


Right now I’m about halfway there :slight_smile: I can get a visual_effect to
highlight, but it effects the wrong partial (annoyingly).

Basically I want to affect the style of the text (strike-through) when
clicking a link_to_remote, but during debugging I’ve just switched to
using highlight so that I can see if anything is working.

I’ve posted more code and explanation under a different topic (ajax

Thanks for the reply


I’m getting a strange behavior as well:

<%= form_remote_tag(:update => “results”, :url => { :controller =>
‘admin’, :action => :search } ) %>

          <td><%= text_field_tag :phrase %>
              <%= observe_field(:phrase,
              :frequency => 0.5,
              :update => :results,
              :url => { :controller => 'admin', :action

=> :search }) %>

<%= end_form_tag %>

But I’m getting an error stating that the object is nil when it
contains ‘jim’. Take a look at the parameters passed. Quite odd?
Shouldn’t it be {“phrase”=>“jim”}

TypeError in Admin#search

cannot convert nil into String
RAILS_ROOT: ./script/…/config/…

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/member.rb:54:in +' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/member.rb:54:insearch_for’
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/admin_controller.rb:16:in `search’

Parameters: {“jim”=>"", “_”=>""}

  • Jim