Dear all,
I was trying the well-known problem of writing a program that outputs
itself. Here is first trial.
s = “\nprint “s = \””\n0.upto(s.length) { |i| printf("%c
“, ?s[i]) }\nprint “\””\nputs s"
print “s = “”
0.upto(s.length) { |i| printf(”%c", ?s[i]) }
print “”"
puts s
However, I am having a difficulty self-printing the literal line. Could
someone help?
On 8/21/06, Srinivas JONNALAGADDA [email protected] wrote:
Dear all,
I was trying the well-known problem of writing a program that outputs
itself. Here is first trial.
> Greetings,
> JS
It’s not an answer to your question, but this page may be of some
interest to you:
Srinivas JONNALAGADDA wrote:
puts s
However, I am having a difficulty self-printing the literal line. Could
someone help?
All I can say is, find the tutotials and follow them.
I have difficulty reading other people’s quines.
Maybe it is a one-person task, like driving nails.
The first ones I wrote are at
Srinivas JONNALAGADDA wrote:
I was trying the well-known problem of writing a program that outputs
itself. Here is first trial.
Off the top of my head comes the absolutely oldest cheat in the book:
Try not to groan too loud.
David V.