Help me... how to convert amchart to pdf


I need help… I want to making 1 controller for covert html to pdf… But
that html have amchart (swf). When I tried convert, the swf not

Any body can help me Please???

Senior Rails Developer
Anton Effendi - Wu You Duan

2010/8/22 anton effendi [email protected]


I need help… I want to making 1 controller for covert html to pdf…

Try using prawn gem (GitHub - practicingruby/prawn: THIS REPOSITORY HAS MOVED TO:) and prawnto plugin
( They create PDF files “on the
Prawn is able to render images. (But, let me admit that, I have never
rendering swf files :slight_smile: ).
There is an easy-to-follow example on GitHub (
project-kanjedza/inpatient at master · ceekays/project-kanjedza · GitHub).

But that html have amchart (swf). When I tried convert, the swf not

Your statement sounds not complete, sorry I did not understand you
on this.

Software Developer | Baobab Health Trust (

Cell: +265 999 465 137 | +265 881 234 717
Skype: ceekays

“Many people doubt open source software and probably don’t realize that
there is an alternative… which is just as good…” – Kevin Scannell


I have 1 page… that page have flash(swf)… and have one button to
to pdf”

When I clicked that button, I want to exporting that page into pdf…
the flash(swf) can be exported. it blank in pdf…

Could u help me please???

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Edmond K. <
[email protected]> wrote: They create PDF files "on the
on this.

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Senior Rails Developer
Anton Effendi - Wu You Duan

On 23 Aug 2010, at 17:08, Edmond K. wrote:

I have 1 page… that page have flash(swf)… and have one button to
“export to pdf”

What technology are you using to “export to PDF”? I hope there
should be a way of rendering the swf file (though it will be
motionless :slight_smile: ).

When I clicked that button, I want to exporting that page into
pdf… But the flash(swf) can be exported. it blank in pdf…

Let’s be frank here: the chances of an SWF file being rendered by any
PDF generator are slim to none. PrinceXML doesn’t support it, Prawn
doesn’t either, you might be lucky with wkhtmltopdf with the --enable-
plugins option, unless you are on linux, then apparently it doesn’t
work either.

The best way to achieve what you want is just switch from Flash charts
to a more open standard, i.e. something that is able to render charts
as either a bitmap or an SVG image (although I believe if you want to
render SVG in your PDF, Prawn won’t work either).

Best regards

Peter De Berdt


I have 1 page… that page have flash(swf)… and have one button to “export
to pdf”

What technology are you using to “export to PDF”? I hope there should
be a
way of rendering the swf file (though it will be motionless :slight_smile: ).

When I clicked that button, I want to exporting that page into pdf… But
the flash(swf) can be exported. it blank in pdf…

Could u help me please???

Software Developer | Baobab Health Trust (

Cell: +265 999 465 137 | +265 881 234 717

“Many people doubt open source software and probably don’t realize that
there is an alternative… which is just as good…” – Kevin Scannell

Le 23 août 2010 11:51:08 UTC+2, anton effendi [email protected] a

Thank all.
I’m using wkhtmltopdf and the amchart.

Thank you for the logic. But amchart can;t convert into image. May be I
change the chart…

do any body have another idea??Or only that way???

Thank you

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 10:21 PM, Peter De Berdt
[email protected]wrote:

more open standard, i.e. something that is able to render charts as either a
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Senior Rails Developer
Anton Effendi - Wu You Duan