2008 conferences:
RubyConf, RailsConf, RailsConf EU, acts_as_conference, Euruko, Ruby Kaigi, Mountain West RubyConf, eRubyCon, Ruby Hoedown, Amsterdam Ruby en Rails, Scotland on Rails, RubyFools Copenhagen, RubyFools Oslo, Voices that Matter, South Carolina Ruby Conference, Lone Star RubyConf, RuPy, Gotham Ruby Conference, Silicon Valley Ruby Conference, RubyCamp, Conferencia Rails, Rails Summit Latin America, Ruby Manor, Atlanta Merb Day, ...
2008 books:
NetBeans™ Ruby and Rails IDE with JRuby, Learning Rails, Rails for .NET Developers, Wicked Cool Ruby Scripts, JRuby Cookbook, Enterprise Recipes with Ruby and Rails, Developing Facebook Platform Applications with Rails, Foundation Rails 2, Enterprise Rails, Ruby On Rails Bible, Rails: Up and Running, Rails Pocket Reference, Ruby Phrasebook, Scripted GUI Testing with Ruby, Aptana RadRails, Advanced Rails Recipes, Deploying Rails Applications, The Art of Rails, Simply Rails 2, Practical REST on Rails 2 Projects, Ruby on Rails Web Mashup Projects, FXRuby: Create Lean and Mean GUIs with Ruby, RailsSpace, Ferret, Professional Ruby on Rails, Ruby: The Programming Language, Rails for PHP Developers, Pulling Strings with Puppet, Practical Reporting with Ruby and Rails, The Ruby Programming Language, Design Patterns in Ruby, Advanced Rails
Gem counts:
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