Hello, I am dong a fairly simple dynamic website right now, I’ve run
into a BONEHEAD move and I don’t think I can retrace my steps.
I started by putting the design together in XHTML and CSS in Dreamweaver
into the rails file structure I’d previously set up. On creating some
faulty models I used destroy to remove a bunch of it, but I cleaned out
the css and markup I’d created. Thinking I was smart to build the
design into the framework from the start, unfortunately this was the
only place I had it. Smart. Is there any method of retrieval? I’m
looking in my recycle bin and the files aren’t there!
I’m on WinXP Pro by the way.
thanks if any help,
On 4 Dec 2005, at 23:02, Jason P. wrote:
I started by putting the design together in XHTML and CSS in
Dreamweaver into the rails file structure I’d previously set up.
On creating some faulty models I used destroy to remove a bunch of
it, but I cleaned out the css and markup I’d created. Thinking I
was smart to build the design into the framework from the start,
unfortunately this was the only place I had it. Smart. Is there
any method of retrieval? I’m looking in my recycle bin and the
files aren’t there!
This doesn’t really help any just now, but it might be a good idea to
look into setting up a subversion (or other source code control)
repository for future projects.
Good luck getting your files back, but I think it’s pretty much a
case of them being very gone. 
Craig W. | t: +44 (0)131 516 8595 | e: [email protected]
Xeriom.NET | f: +44 (0)709 287 1902 | w: http://xeriom.net