I’m working on a website that integrates sms services. When someone
sends an sms to my service number, the sms provider posts an xml doc to
an url specified by me.
I have implemented the processing method like this:
def process_notification
xml = XmlSimple.xml_in(@request.raw_post, 'ForceArray' => false)
@params.merge! xml
sms_request = SmsboxRequest.new(:phonenumber => @params["sender"],
:operator => @params["operator"],
:service => @params["service"],
:message => @params["message"])
I have tested this method with a test application provided by my sms
provider and all works like a charm.
Now I want to write a functional test for this controller, but I don’t
know how to build a post request that works. How am I supposed to call
post so that my xml document is in the raw_post of my TestRequest ?
I tried this:
post :process_notification, xml
post :process_notification, {:params => xml}
post :process_notification, {:id => xml}
where xml contains a valid xml document but none of them work. Any help
is more than welcome !