I want to use nginx as web front, dispatching uri of dynamic content to
fastcgi processes. How to track user session in such situation?
I reviewed ngx_http_userid_module, which generates new user id if
special cookie key not found. But it has some cons:
If this is the first time user visiting site page, nginx can’t record
user id with just visited page into log file
If the first visited page is generated by a fastcgi process, the
fastcgi process can’t get user id just generated by
Is there any way to work out? Thanks.
2007/10/25, Yingyuan C. [email protected]:
- If the first visited page is generated by a fastcgi process, the
fastcgi process can’t get user id just generated by ngx_http_userid_module
Is there any way to work out? Thanks.
Best Regards
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ip_hash can direct requests to consistent backends, but it can’t
generate session id used by fastcgi processes. All I need is the method
to generate session id which would be used by fastcgi processes and
record the session id generated into log file.
Maybe my description was obscure before. Thank you very much anyhow.
Best regards
½¹Ê¤Ç¿ дµÀ:
If you want some way to assign session id to user for security/external
data storage identifier etc (the “sessions” in php’s meaning) - you should
use other means to generate them.
Note: cookies generated by userid module shouldn’t be used as security
identifier, since malicious user can easily guess other user’s cookie.
You could implement signed cookies like OpenACS or Django do:
Thank you Maxim D…
Maybe I should consider a ‘ngx_http_sessid_module’ based on
‘ngx_http_userid_module’. Any more advice?
Maxim D. 写é“:
Thank you Valery K…
I think it deserves to be developed.
Valery K. 写é“:
On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Yingyuan C. wrote:
I want to use nginx as web front, dispatching uri of dynamic content to
fastcgi processes. How to track user session in such situation?
I reviewed ngx_http_userid_module, which generates new user id if
special cookie key not found. But it has some cons:
- If this is the first time user visiting site page, nginx can’t record
user id with just visited page into log file
It can. The uid_set variable contains userid cookie nginx set in
response, and may be used in log.
- If the first visited page is generated by a fastcgi process, the
fastcgi process can’t get user id just generated by ngx_http_userid_module
Yes. The above variable can’t be passed to fastcgi backend since userid
module actual work happens while sending headers to client (i.e. after
fastcgi request).
Is there any way to work out? Thanks.
Userid module was designed to track users through http logs for
statistical purposes, and it solves the problem.
If you want some way to assign session id to user for security/external
data storage identifier etc (the “sessions” in php’s meaning) - you
use other means to generate them.
Note: cookies generated by userid module shouldn’t be used as security
identifier, since malicious user can easily guess other user’s cookie.
Maxim D.