Help: How to convert a *.mat file to binary file?

Hallo Everyone,

I have generated some samples of a sinesoid from Matlab and want to
it to a binary file and use it as a source signal to the LFTX
Can you tell me how i do to convert it?

Thanks a lot,


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On Fri, 2008-11-07 at 02:06 -0800, slimchao wrote:

Hallo Everyone,

I have generated some samples of a sinesoid from Matlab and want to convert
it to a binary file and use it as a source signal to the LFTX daughterboard.
Can you tell me how i do to convert it?

Thanks a lot,


Use the MATLAB functions fopen, fwrite, fclose to write your data in
binary format to a file that can be read by gr.file_source. Choose 32bit
floats for real data, write real,imag,real,imag,… for complex data.
The MATLAB manual is your friend. :wink:

On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 3:58 AM, Jorg L. [email protected] wrote:


Use the MATLAB functions fopen, fwrite, fclose to write your data in
binary format to a file that can be read by gr.file_source. Choose 32bit
floats for real data, write real,imag,real,imag,… for complex data.
The MATLAB manual is your friend. :wink:

or you can use one of the programs in
gnuradio-core/src/utils/write_float_binary.m etc
