Help finding "JRE" to run Netbeans in Linux

I’ve spent the last year developing a large Ruby on Rails 2.0
application with over a 100 tables and controllers and hope to be
deploying it soon.
Before I moved from my Windows XP computer to deployment, I wanted to
run it in a local Linux environment to sort out:

  1. Amazon S3 files
  2. RMagick (went south when I upgraded to Rails 2.0)
  3. ARMailer (mail spooling program)

I’ve installed Ubuntu 7.10 and feel running the scripts to install
Ruby and Rails are reasonable straightforward. I plan to run an Nginx
server with multiple Mongrel clusters using Capistrano.
What’s killing me is installing a graphic development environment such
as Radrails (which I love on Windows XP) or Netbeans.
Understand that I’ve been through the routine of installing “sudo apt-
get install sun-java6-jre” many times. Once, for some unknown reason
my Netbeans 6.0 came up fine (as it found the JRE location on its
own), but I was unsure how it happened and elected to re-install my
Ubuntu and try again.
Anyway, I’m able to install the Netbeans to the point where it asks
for the location of the “JRE”. The one time that it worked, this value
was automatically filled in when Netbeans started for the first time.
When I run “java -version” I get the latest 1.6 installation but
can’t find out where the “JRE” is located. I’ve looked MANY places.
Anyway, I’m desperate to move this project along and am happy to hire
someone to consult on this matter.
I am grateful for your reply.
Kathleen Kennedy
[email protected]

Your Java Runtime Edition should be somewhere in:


It MIGHT instead be somewhere around here:


If that doesn’t work… then I’m out of ideas, :slight_smile:


On Jan 14, 10:03 am, “[email protected][email protected]

On Jan 14, 10:03 am, “[email protected][email protected]

Understand that I’ve been through the routine of installing “sudo apt-
get install sun-java6-jre” many times.

…which I previously pointed out is the wrong approach. But maybe
you’re just a glutton for punishment :slight_smile: whatever.

Anyway, I’m able to install the Netbeans to the point where it asks
for the location of the “JRE”. The one time that it worked, this value
was automatically filled in when Netbeans started for the first time.
When I run “java -version” I get the latest 1.6 installation

So what does running which java produce?

Have you tried the find command at all?

Again, you wouldn’t be wasting time on this if you installed using the
simple, straightforward Sun installer.


Hassan S. ------------------------ [email protected]

Netbeans requires JDK not JRE. You will need the java sdk download
than the runtime.


Another point. NetBeans 6.0 is not compatible with Rails 2.0. You
are using 2.0 right?
It seems like you have two options:

  1. Install the pre-release version of 6.1 which has everything needed
    to run Rails 2.0. But Tor warns that since this is a pre-release
    version, anything goes.
  2. Install JRuby 1.0.3 I believe and point NetBeans 6.0 to it.
    How? I don’t know. I am new to NetBeans and Rails 2.0 myself.


You need the java JDK not the JRE. Also netbeans can be used with the
sdk and hence all gems (including rails) that you will be available.

You don’t need Jruby and you don’t need 6.1 netbeans. Though the
would not work because of the change in args. You can however use the
console for that.
