Help- Converting String to a Method Call

I am new to Ruby. I’m trying to convert a string to a method call in
Ruby. I intend to store all my function calls in an Excel Worksheet and
use the extracted strings to make the actual method call. But I am not
able to convert the string obtained from the excel and use it as a
function call. I read somewhere that the Send() method helps convert
strings to method calls. But I am not able to use it correctly. For the
code mentioned below I obtain a “in <top (required)>': undefined methodExecute_Statement(5)’ for main:Object (NoMethodError)”

def Execute_Statement(var1)

x=‘Execute_Statement(5)’ #This would be fed from the Excel Worksheet


What am I doing wrong ?

Excerpts from Pradeep P.'s message of 2014-01-24 08:54:27 +0100:

What am I doing wrong ?

The problem lies in the fact that send needs the name of the method as
argument and the arguments to be passed to the method as separate
arguments. In
your case, it should be:

send ‘Execute_Statement’, 5

You need to find a way to split the name of the method
from its arguments, split the arguments (if there are more than one) and
converting them to the correct class. How to do so depends on your
actual needs.
In the simple example you posted, you can use a Regexp:

string = ‘Execute_Statement(5)’
match = string.match(/([^(]+)((\d+)/)
name = match[1]
arg = match[2].to_i

send name, arg

For more information about Regexp, see the ri documentation for Regexp

I hope this helps


On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 12:28 PM, Pradeep P. [email protected]

Thank you for the response Stefano,
I decided to provide the function name in the first column of the excel
and the parameters in the remaining columns of that row. The problem I
am facing currently is that I will be sending multiple functions(having
varying number of parameters) in the first column of my excel and I need
my code to pick these parameters and send these along with the function
name in the Send method. Could you suggest an approach for this need ?

You could read all columns until you get to an empty one, place them
all in an array and call:

send name, *args


Thank you for the response Stefano,
I decided to provide the function name in the first column of the excel
and the parameters in the remaining columns of that row. The problem I
am facing currently is that I will be sending multiple functions(having
varying number of parameters) in the first column of my excel and I need
my code to pick these parameters and send these along with the function
name in the Send method. Could you suggest an approach for this need ?

HI Jesus,
I too am facing the same issue. Could you please explain a sample
code of how to get all the columns and place it in an array. Also, wats
does args* do.

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Nandish S. [email protected]

HI Jesus,
I too am facing the same issue. Could you please explain a sample
code of how to get all the columns and place it in an array. Also, wats
does args* do.

What API are you using to read from an excel? As I don’t know I’ll
show an example with plain text.
Say you have this:

row = “method, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4”
send *row.split(“,”)

For example:

2.0.0p195 :007 > s = “puts, a, b, c, d, e”
=> “puts, a, b, c, d, e”
2.0.0p195 :008 > send *s.split(“,”)

But also, as Stefano pointed out, if you have different types in the
Excel, like integers, floats, etc that your method expects as such,
you will have to convert them before calling the method.

Hope this helps,


hi Jesus,
Thank you for replying promptly for my query.This is my code,

require ‘watir-webdriver’
require ‘rspec/expectations’
require ‘spreadsheet’
Spreadsheet.client_encoding = ‘UTF-8’
book =
book = ‘path to my excel’

@browser = :firefox
@browser.goto “testurl”

def textbox(obj_name, obj_value)
@browser.text_field(:id => obj_name).set(obj_value)

sheet = book.worksheet(0)

sheet.each do |row|
send row[0],row[1],row[2]

This is what i am using. My excel spreadsheet has three column for the
above example. But i will be calling many functions from the same excel
each having varying number of parameters. How will i implement this.

you can use eval and binding :


class Excel
def foo(n) p [‘foo’,n] ; @foo||=[] ; @foo << n end
def fee(n) p [‘fee’,n]; @fee||=[] ; @fee << n end
def get_binding() binding() end
def rapport() puts "
*** rapport ***";p @foo||[]; p @fee||[] end

csv.split(/\r?\n/).each { |line|
line.split(’;’).each { |cell| eval(cell,bind) }

Execution :

ruby excel.rb
[“foo”, 2]
[“fee”, [3, 4, 5]]
**** rapport ***
[[3, 4, 5]]

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Raju R. [email protected] wrote:

send row[0],row[1],row[2]

This is what i am using. My excel spreadsheet has three column for the
above example. But i will be calling many functions from the same excel
each having varying number of parameters. How will i implement this.

Looking a little bit at the spreadsheet gem, it seems that the Row
class inherits from Array, so you should be able to do this:

sheet.each do |row|
send *row

but I haven’t tested it.


hi jesus,

i tried using *row, but i get an error saying wrong number of 

arguments.(4 for 2)(argument error)