Help: Can not pass the test

Hi All,

I’m a newbie here. Recently, I got an USRP. But I can not make it work.
the exmaples of GNURadio doesn’t work properly. Could you please give me
some help? Thanks.

I tried it on 4 PCs. None of them can pass 32MB/s usb test with
Most of them can only passed 2MB/s test.

I tried 3 different USB cables. All USB ports on the PCs. So, where
might be
the problem? How to make sure the problem is not in USRP box? The
or hardware. By the way, I’m using Ubuntu 9.04.

  1. Dell XPS 1330
  2. Dell 640m
  3. Dell Desktop
  4. PC with Q6600, AsusP5KR, 4GB memory.

lsusb -t
Bus# 1
-Dev# 1 Vendor 0x1d6b Product 0x0002-Dev# 8 Vendor 0xfffe Product 0x0002

USRP 0 serial number 00000000
RX d’board A: Flex 900 Rx MIMO B
RX d’board B: Flex 900 Rx MIMO B
TX d’board A: Flex 900 Tx MIMO B
TX d’board B: Flex 900 Tx MIMO B
usrp: failed to find usrp[1]
usrp: failed to find usrp[2]
usrp: failed to find usrp[3]
usrp: failed to find usrp[4]
usrp: failed to find usrp[5]
usrp: failed to find usrp[6]
usrp: failed to find usrp[7]

1258558904.0585 INFO 3082737888 USRPDevice.cpp:141: creating USRP
1258558904.0586 INFO 3082737888 USRPDevice.cpp:160: making USRP device…
usb_control_msg failed: error sending control message: Bad file
usrp_basic_rx: set_rx_enable(false) failed
segment failt

./transceiver ERROR /home/shrek/1.log
usb_control_msg failed: error sending control message: Bad file
usrp_basic_rx: set_rx_enable(false) failed
segment failt

1258559000.492921 3083196640:

OpenBTS, Copyright 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Kestrel Signal Processing, Inc.:
David B., Harvind Samra, Raffi Sevlian, Roshan B.
GNU Radio:
Johnathan C.
Anne Kwong, Jacob Appelbaum
Incorporated GPL libraries and components:
libosip2, liportp2
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software;
you are welcome to redistribute it under the terms of GPLv3.
Use of this software may be subject to other legal restrictions,
including patent licsensing and radio spectrum licensing.
All users of this software are expected to comply with
applicable regulations.

1258559000.493053 3083196640:
Starting the system…
1258559000.4931 INFO 3083196640 Logger.cpp:89: setting log path to
usb_control_msg failed: error sending control message: Bad file
usrp_basic_rx: set_rx_enable(false) failed
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘SocketError’

Best regards,