On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 12:08 AM, Omar V.
[email protected]wrote:
Mname = gets.chomp
puts ‘What is your favourite number?’
C = Fnum.to_i
A = Age.to_i
NFnum = C + A
puts 'Maybe, your favourite number should be ’ +NFnum+ ‘.’
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
Hi, Omar.
As you have realized, you need to convert the the age and Fnum to
in order to add them. Now that you want to add them to the strings,
you need to convert them back to strings. You can do this with the to_s
method. So you should change
puts 'Maybe, your favourite number should be ’ +NFnum+ ‘.’
puts 'Maybe, your favourite number should be ’ +NFnum.to_s+ ‘.’
A few suggestions for you:
In Ruby, constants begin with uppercase letters, and variables begin
lowercase letters. While they don’t change in this particular program,
name and age and so on are really more variables than constants. Maybe
user has a birthday, or gets married and changes their surname. So I
use lowercase variables here. For example:
puts ‘What is your first name?’
fname = gets.chomp
Personally, I’d even call it first_name because you’re going to have to
it later. Since Ruby is dynamically typed, descriptive variable names
help you avoid a lot of errors, as they imply what kind of data they
contain. Fnum, for example, doesn’t mean anything to me until I read the
code to see how it is used. But favourite_num is pretty fairly forward.
you don’t like the additional typing, a good text editor should do
completion for you, where you type the firs few characters and press a
to have it figure out what name you are writing and complete it for you.
I would store the numeric variables as numbers. That is really what they
are, and you shouldn’t store them as something different just because
is the format you received them in. You can see that it even created a
headache for you, having to create two new variables to hold the integer
versions (that is also partially due to using constants).
So I would change
puts ‘What is your favourite number?’
Fnum = gets.chomp
puts ‘What is your favourite number?’
favourite_num = gets.chomp.to_i
Regarding the above example, to_i will convert a string to an integer,
until it finds a non numeric character. You use .chomp to remove the
newline, but to_i will stop there automatically, so it can be simplified
further with
puts ‘What is your favourite number?’
favourite_num = gets.to_i
You are creating your string by concatenating. That is just a fancy way
saying that you use the plus sign
In most cases with Ruby, it is
preferable to use interpolation, which is a fancy way of saying that you
embed the value inside the string rather than adding it to the string.
is a little bit more efficient, and most of the time is easier to read.
also has the nice advantage of calling the to_s method for you on
it receives, so, for example, where you have Fnum.to_s, you could just
as Fnum. The interpolated version would look like this
puts 'Maybe, your favourite number should be ’ +NFnum.to_s+ ‘.’
puts “Maybe, your favourite number should be #{NFnum}.”
You need to use double quotes when interpolating, and wherever you have
#{…} inside of it, that is a little area where you can place your
This is just a style thing, and not necessarily an agreed upon community
conclusion, but I would put the print statement and the gets statement
the same line, and split them with a semicolon. A semicolon tells Ruby
you are writing a new line, even though all the code is on the same
line. So
I would change
puts ‘What is your first name?’
Fname = gets.chomp
puts ‘What is your first name?’ ; Fname = gets.chomp
When you get comfortable enough to write functions, try writing one
you submit the string to be printed, and receive back the variable the
answered with.
To write a newline, you can just say puts, you don’t need the empty
in there.
I don’t know how long it took you to write this, but if you ran it any
decent number of times, you probably sat there tediously entering your
information over and over again. That can get frustrating, but there is
fairly easy way to get around such things (note this is not a widely
Ruby practice, and I’m not sure others would sanction it, but I find it
nice way to save time). In Ruby, at the end of your file, you can write
END and then you can put data down there. That data is accessible to
your program like a file inside the constant DATA. The method .gets
it’s data from the global variable $stdin, you can assign DATA to $stdin
that it instead pulls from the data that you have entered at the end of
file. This means that you can code in the values you used to have to
by hand. Then later, when you want to switch it back, just comment out
line assigning DATA to $stdin, and it will pull from the actual standard
input, as it currently does, rather than the data at the end of your
$stdin = DATA
puts “your name is #{gets.chomp} #{gets.chomp} #{gets.chomp}”
puts “you are #{gets.to_i} years old”
puts “your favourite number is #{gets.to_i}”
After you get more comfortable, you should move to actual testing
this is a nice simple way to automate input when you just want to test
an idea real fast. You can also do this from the command line, if you
using Mac or Linux, by writing that data in a file and using the
operator, which would look like this.
$ruby my_program.rb < my_data.txt
That is pretty much everything I can think of, so if you did everything
above, your program might look like this.