Hello, world? (#158)

A simple problem deserves a simple answer… except when you explicitly
for something other than the simple answer. Which I did ask. And I got
answers… lots of them, with a wide variety of techniques, though a few
the methods were repeated, each with slight variations.

First, we have the joining letters technique. Array’s join method
it easy to create a string from parts, and a number of solutions used
or string concatenation to build up the “Hello, world!” string. Often
primary difference in these solutions was from where the individual
were taken.

Here is one example of the joining letters technique, from Robert D.:

puts [?H, ?e, ?l, ?l, ?o, ?, ?\s, ?W, ?o, ?r, ?l, ?d, ?!].
inject(“”) { |s, char| s << char }

Remember that a ? in front of a character returns the ASCII value of
character. Robert joins these values from his array not with the join
but with Enumerable’s inject method and String’s concatenation operator,
will convert an argument between 0 and 255 to a character before

Second, there were a lot of applications of the method_missing
Usually this involved taking the name of the call and using it as part
of the
output. There were a number of solutions that looked similar to Jesse
Merriman’s first-in method_missing solution:

class Hello
def method_missing m; print m; self; end

Hello.new.H.e.l.l.o.send(', ').w.o.r.l.d!.send(“\n”)

Since the Hello class doesn’t define any methods except method_missing,
attempt to call a method (except, of course, those defined by Object)
end up in this method_missing call with the argument m containing the
attempted method name, which then is immediately printed to standard
For the few characters that can’t be used as identifiers, the send call
defined on Object accomplishes the same trick.

Third, a few people tried the grep technique; that is, extracting the
string from the midst of other text or data. Gaspard B. presented
a solution that looked like a maze, but simply extracted the letters
the ASCII maze and joined them appropriately. (Unlike Bill K.'s
actual maze solver, which gathers up the letters of the target string
the process of solving the maze.)

A couple folks got “lazy”, so to speak, and decided that rather than
the “Hello, world!” string on their own, they would get it from
else. Here is elof’s solution for this variant of the grep technique,
web scraping:

require ‘net/http’
require ‘uri’

gke_url = URI.parse(“http://www.google.com”)
gke = Net::HTTP.start(gke_url.host, gke_url.port) { |http|
puts gke.body.match(‘[QUIZ</b>]\s(\w+, \w+).+as often as you

elof uses standard Ruby net libraries to perform a search on Google and
the text from the first match. At the time, that first match was
suitable to
use with the regular expression he employs to pull out the words “Hello
from the text. While I picked this solution to show off the interaction
the Net::HTTP class, this solution has a good chance of breaking if
page ranking changes for the supplied search string.

Fourth, there were a few self referencing techniques, those solutions
referred to themselves in one way or another to get the answer. Some
on the FILE constant, requiring that the filename of the Ruby script
was named “Hello, world!”. Then there was an interesting solution from
Jesse M. that loaded its own source code into a variable, and then
accessed individual characters from the source via 2-dimensional
Take a look at Jesse’s solution to see how he got the capital H in

To me, the most interesting of these self referencing techniques was the
simple solution from Jari W.:

puts DATA.read
Hello, World!

This was a new technique that I had not seen before. The END token
essentially breaks the file into two parts: code (before) and data
The data can be accessed from code by way of the DATA identifier, which
a global IO object. Calling read on that object gets everything after
END token, which Jari immediately dumps to standard out. Very
very nice.

Even after all of these techniques, there were still some more things
on. Number conversions where the string was extracted from a large
number… Use of Array’s pack method to convert binary data back into
strings… Meta-programming techniques to generate code and methods…
sure to look at Joel VanderWerf’s solution that, with a few tricks,
the original B language solution from Kernighan work. A few
solutions, including Bill K.'s gladiator arena.

There are even a few solutions I still haven’t figured out yet. I need
break down the dense code from _why to get a handle on what’s going on.
And I’m somewhat frightened to even contemplate the mind of Rubén Medellín,
whose solution is some bizarre, palindromic mirror image of Ruby

There were a lot of creative solutions going on for this quiz. I highly
recommend you peruse them, if not for technique, at least for
But I do believe most folks will learn some technique here; I certainly

My final comment on this quiz… It’s interesting to note that few
actually printed output to spec. The quiz asked for “Hello, world!”
I’d say the majority provided “Hello, World!”. Had I written a unit test
verify the solutions, most would have failed. Granted, I’m getting a
silly in mentioning this, but it made me wonder about two things.

First, why was everyone capitalizing both words? Was “Hello, World!” the
traditional response than “Hello, world!”? Or, perhaps, by having both
capitalized, did it allow some folks to keep the code simpler?

Second, if so few actually nailed the specification exactly, what
happens when
the specification is much deeper, more involved, more complex? How often
we as developers make minor changes or decisions about non-explicit
rather than confirming the desired behavior with client or customer?

Yeah, I realize this is just a silly “Hello, world” program, and I
wasn’t about
to hold people to such a strict specification… I just wanted to point
the thinking this inspired in my mind.

Thanks to all who participated in this week’s quiz. There will be no
quiz this
week, as I will be out of town, hunting for a new apartment in
preparation for
a move coming at the end of this month. Ruby Q. 2 will return next

On Mar 7, 2008, at 9:00 AM, Matthew M. wrote:

There are even a few solutions I still haven’t figured out yet. I
need to break down the dense code from _why to get a handle on
what’s going on.

I assume we’re talking about this:

require ‘rbconfig’
bui = /^bui(.{2})$/
$stdout << “#{{}.class}”[0,1] <<
("#{{}.methods}"[/c(\w{4})c/] && $1.reverse) <<
(([0]*2).inspect[2,2]) <<
“#{Kernel.methods.grep(/^th/)[0][2,3].reverse}\1”) <<

Yeah, that’s crazy. Let’s see if we can figure it out.

require ‘rbconfig’

Require Ruby’s configuration details. That gives us a bunch of fresh
Strings to work with.

bui = /^bui(.{2})$/

Define a regular expression that matches words like “build.”

$stdout << “#{{}.class}”[0,1] <<

From here on out, it’s all output. This creates a Hash, and pulls
the first character off of that class name.

("#{{}.methods}"[/c(\w{4})c/] && $1.reverse) <<

Now it starts to get tricky. This code pulls the methods for a Hash,
joins them into a giant String, uses a Regexp to find “collec” from
the collect() method, and reverses and prints the “olle” portion.
That gets us the rest of “Hello.”

(([0]*2).inspect[2,2]) <<

This makes an Array, grabs the code for it from Ruby’s inspect(), and
indexes into that String to pull out the comma and space.

“#{Kernel.methods.grep(/^th/)[0][2,3].reverse}\1”) <<

This uses the Regexp built a while back to match the “build” key out
of Ruby’s configuration Hash. It then replaces the letters “bui.” To
get the replacement, the code hunts for the throw() method on Kernel,
pulls the last three letters and reverses them. That gives us “wor” +
“ld” or “world.”


I have no idea how reliable this is, but in _why’s build of Ruby, and
my own, the object with the ID 338 is the Symbol :"!", the last
character needed.

Clever code as always from _why.

And I’m somewhat frightened to even contemplate the mind of Rubén
Medellín, whose solution is some bizarre, palindromic mirror image
of Ruby insanity.

It was freaking awesome. I’ll leave it to someone else too spoil that
one… :wink:

James Edward G. II

On Fri, 07 Mar 2008 10:47:13 -0500, James G. wrote:

$stdout << “#{{}.class}”[0,1] <<
Require Ruby’s configuration details. That gives us a bunch of fresh

indexes into that String to pull out the comma and space.

It was freaking awesome. I’ll leave it to someone else too spoil that
one… :wink:

James Edward G. II

              def method_missing(a = p, *c); return ; nruter ;(c* p 

= a);gnissim_dohtem fed
end ; dne

These first two lines define method_missing (in Object context) to do
nothing. The code returns immediately (at return),
so none of the addional reversed names are executed. The dne after the
end of method_missing calls method_missing, since no
method named dne is defined. We can now delete most mangled names that
we don’t understand. The equivalent code for this

def method_missing (a=p, *c); return; end

The p is never evaluated (it would point to nowhere, or cause infinite
recursion), because method_missing
is always called with the name of an argument

                             alias m method_missing ; gnissim_dohtem 

m; saila

                                     class NilClass ; ssalCliN ssalc
                                 alias inspect to_s ; s_ot tcepsni 

end ; dne

NilClass.inspect now returns an empty string. Everything to the right of
the semicolons is a call to method_missing.
This can be safely removed since it’s never called anyway.

                                      class Integer ; regetnI ssalc

def method_missing(a=chr,b);print chr;return a.to_s[0] ; [0];s_ot.a
nruter;rhc tnirp;(b
rhc=a);gnissim_dohtem fed
end ; dne

Supposing we call 63.method_missing directly. Then a will be ascii
character 63 (’?’), and the function will print ‘?’ and
return 63. Supposing we call 72.e. Then a will be the letter ‘e’. The
function will print ascii character 72 (‘h’) and return
the ascii code for ‘e’ (101). We can now call (for example) puts
72.e.l.l.o.chr and get the output ‘Hello’

                      def d! ; return(d.e and puts) ; (stup dna; 

e.d);nruter ; !d fed
dne ; end ; dne ; end

Still operating on the integer context, this prints the previous letter,
then a ‘d’ (through two missing methods)
and uses puts to place a blank line after the d.
The 2 end calls close the method p, and close the Integer class.

                           def p(p = a, *b) ; begin ; nigeb ; (b* a 

= p); p fed
rescue ; print p.to_s ; return ; nruter ;
s_ot.p tnirp ; eucser
dne ; end ; dne ; end

Sorting out some of the method_missing calls:

def p(p=nil, *b)
a=p #evalutes p as a variable
p fed #evaluates p as a function, causing a SystemStackError
rescue #catches the SystemStackError
#this is caught at the innermost level of the stack
print p.to_s #evaluates p as a variable, which at the inner level is
nil, so this prints nothing

The whole function definition can be safely removed, as called, it does
the same thing as method_missing anyway.

                       dne def a b = c ; return nil ; lin nruter ; c 

= b a; fed end

Defines a method a which returns nil. dne calls method_missing with a
nil argument. Since “def” to define a method is an
expression that returns nil, its return value can be passed to a
function. This line can be safely removed since it
defines a method that does the same thing as method_missing.

                                          a = a def   fed a = a
                                             return   nruter
                                    a = p end ; fed ; def dne p = a
                                                p a ; a p
                                                end ; dne

He breaks palindrome with a single semicolon here.

Sets the variable a to nil, (because the second a is a method call), and
defines the method fed to return
the return value of nruter (which at this moment is a method_missing
call, and stays that way for the rest of the program)
The line
a = p end
is acutally two statements: an a=p, followed by an end.
He then goes to immediately define dne to call the p function we saw
before, which prints nothing, and
the a function which returns nil. So dne is now defined, but does

These 5 lines can actually all be safely removed, since they define
methods which do the same thing as method_missing anyway.

  def h ax0=0xa;return 0xa unless ax0;dne;y=x p;fed = def p x=y;end; 

0xa;sselnu ax0;nruter ax0=0xa;h fed
bx0, dx0 = 0xd, 0xb
bx0 + dx0 + 0xb + bx0 + 0xd +
end ; dne

def h ax0=10
return 10 unless ax0
fed = nil
def p x=y
bx0 + dx0 + 11 + bx0 + 13 + 11 # equals 13 + 11 + 11 + 13 + 13 + 11
which is 72

In short, if nil is explicitly passed to h, it returns 10. If anything
else (or nothing) is passed to h,
it defines p (in the global context) to do nothing, then returns 72
(ascii for ‘H’).

                         def Object.const_missing a ; a 

gnissim_tsnoc.tcejbO; fed
return send(a.to_s.downcase) ;
(esacnwod.s_ot.a);dnes nruter
end ; dne

All the stuff on the right side of the semicolons does nothing. The
const_missing is intended to
convert the H constant reference on the next line to a call to the h
method we just defined. (This will
return the ascii code for ‘H’, which is what we need to start the
sequence of Integer.method_missing calls
on the next line.

                             H.e.l.l.o._.w.o.r.l.d! ; 


The left side prints out the string “Hello_world” using the integer
method_missing chaining that I mentioned above. (The last
call to d! prints out the letter “d”, as mentioned above.)
The right side calls the global method_missing repeatedly, which does

In other words, all of this code actually translates to:
(Everything else is calls method_missing which returns nil,
or calls a method which is functionally equivalent to method_missing.)

class Integer
def method_missing a, *b
print chr
return a.to_s[0]
def d!
return (d.e and puts)

def h
return 72

def Object.const_missing a
return send(a.to_s.downcase)



On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 2:00 AM, Matthew M. [email protected]

traditional response than “Hello, world!”? Or, perhaps, by having both
capitalized, did it allow some folks to keep the code simpler?

I think, as far as my own experience goes, that many people - despite
perhaps being grammar sticklers - still are used to seeing “Hello,
from many test programs while learning to code. Just the way things
out, maybe. :slight_smile:
