The three rules of Ruby Q. 2:
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Hello, world?
The first program any new programmer typically sees is one that
prints out “Hello, world!” to the console. This tends to be something
experienced programmers also see when learning a new language. The
first Hello World program was written in B [1] by Kernighan and
looked like this:
main( ) {
extrn a, b, c;
putchar(a); putchar(b); putchar(c); putchar('!*n');
a 'hell';
b 'o, w';
c 'orld';
Most programmers are probably more familiar with the typical C
main() {
printf("Hello, world!\n");
Ruby can present the same output very simply:
puts "Hello, world!"
But that’s too simple… I mean, really… anyone can print a
simple string to standard output. Can’t we get more interesting?
Hmmm, how about:
puts sprintf("%s, %s!", "Hello", "world")
Eh, that looks too much like C. Maybe…
puts %w(Hello world).join(", ") + "!"
Yeah, that’s definitely looking Ruby-ish.
Your task this week is to print “Hello, world!” to standard output
using Ruby in atypical fashion. Some guildlines:
- DO submit multiple variants in your submission, but we don’t need
100 variants from everyone. Try to limit yourself to your best dozen. - DO keep things reasonably simple. I would expect many solutions to
be one- or two-liners, some solutions to involve classes and
functions, and a variety in-between. But we’re looking for Ruby-isms,
not volume of code, so don’t write pages upon pages of code just to
print “Hello, world!” - DON’T obfuscate unnecessarily. We’re looking for interesting Ruby
tricks, not utter confusion. A little obfuscation is okay, but a lot
is to be avoided. - DON’T send me my own examples from above. I already did them. Do
other stuff. It is okay if your solution is similar to mine,
provided you make some interesting modifications.