heckle version 2.0.0.b1 has been released!
- home: http://ruby.sadi.st/Heckle.html
- repo: https://github.com/seattlerb/heckle
- rdoc: http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/heckle
Heckle is unit test sadism™ at its core. Heckle is a mutation tester.
It modifies your code and runs your tests to make sure they fail. The
idea is that if code can be changed and your tests don’t notice, either
that code isn’t being covered or it doesn’t do anything.
It’s like hiring a white-hat hacker to try to break into your server and
making sure you detect it. You learn the most by trying to break things
and watching the outcome in an act of unit test sadism.
2.0.0.b1 / 2012-10-02
1 major enhancement:
- Hot damn! It works with ruby_parser!!! (phiggins)
1 minor enhancement:
- 1.9 support! (phiggins)
3 bug fixes:
- Fixed Ruby2Ruby usage (raggi)
- Fixed dependencies so heckle doesn’t use ruby_parser 3 and friends.
- Fixed grammar in description. Reported by Jean Lange.