Having troubles extracting json data within javascript

I am having some difficulty extracting json data from a returned hash

From the geocode data that is returned the following

Results in:
{“latitude”: “55.272766”, “longitude”: “-114.762116”}

Checking a javascript created hash
var foo = {“foo”: “footoyou”, “bar”: “barandbeyond”}

Shows me
Object foo=footoyou bar=barandbeyond

So obviously the json data is not is a json form, but rather just text.

Here is my controller code, where coords is the hash table
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :json => coords.to_json, :layout => false}

I am getting the exact same output if I use :json => coords.to_json or
just :json => coords

Help is appreciated.

Just after I post I find that the following works
console.log(eval(’(’ + data + ‘)’))

Is there a cleaner way of doing this?

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 10:44 PM, Chris O.
[email protected] wrote:

Just after I post I find that the following works
console.log(eval(‘(’ + data + ‘)’))

Is there a cleaner way of doing this?

if you are using prototype you could use data.evalJSON(true)

See: Prototype API Documentation | String#evalJSON (Deprecated URL)

Christopher Kintner wrote:

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 10:44 PM, Chris O.
[email protected] wrote:

Just after I post I find that the following works
console.log(eval(‘(’ + data + ‘)’))

Is there a cleaner way of doing this?

if you are using prototype you could use data.evalJSON(true)

See: Prototype API Documentation | String#evalJSON (Deprecated URL)

I am using jQuery. On the json.org page there is some javascript
available that will do the trick. I figured that since json is such a
huge part of javascript that the functionality I was looking for was
already there, just hiding.

Thanks for the help.