Having semi-colon in query

Hi all,

I have a URL of the form: /abc?x=1&y=2;3. The nginx server passes
request to php-fpm thread. When I try to query for the value of ‘y’ I
‘2’ instead of ‘2;3’. Is this expected? Are semicolons somehow
to be query delimiters?


Hi Ian,

So is it an nginx (or php-fpm?) bug that the value of ‘y’ shows as 2
instead of ‘2;3’?


On 22/06/2010 20:07, Ankur G. wrote:

Hi all,

I have a URL of the form: /abc?x=1&y=2;3. The nginx server passes
the request to php-fpm thread. When I try to query for the value of
‘y’ I get ‘2’ instead of ‘2;3’. Is this expected? Are semicolons
somehow considered to be query delimiters?

Hi Ankur,

There is no standard for delimiter, only common practise. You can use
what you like.

The W3C has been recommending semicolon as a delimiter since 1994 or so.

That said, sending ‘&’ so that it comes back as ‘&’ is common,
correct, conforms to standards and expected by users and search



On 22/06/2010 20:51, Ankur G. wrote:

So is it an nginx (or php-fpm?) bug that the value of ‘y’ shows as 2
instead of ‘2;3’?
Following the WC3 recommendations since 1994 is not a bug. :slight_smile:

Its a php feature, controlled by an entry in php.ini. Find the line that

;arg_separator.input = “;&”

Remove the first “;” activate it and the second to only have “&” active.

You might also check out the ';arg_separator.output = “&” ’ line also.

I use 'arg_separator.output = “&” ’



Thanks a lot for your help, Ian!


On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 12:51:09PM -0700, Ankur G. wrote:

Hi Ian,

So is it an nginx (or php-fpm?) bug that the value of ‘y’ shows as 2
instead of ‘2;3’?

nginx does not process query string.

‘2’ instead of ‘2;3’. Is this expected? Are semicolons somehow considered
conforms to standards and expected by users and search engines.
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