Having a form to change multiple events

Hi all,

I’ve got an app that displays events information, the index page lists
events in a fairly basic table with date, name, and options to edit /
delete. I’d like to display checkboxes for each row of the table, so
that a user can check multiple rows of the table, and edit the
attributes of multiple events with one click. I think the index page has
to be a form, but i’m not sure how I should structure the view, and how
I can create check boxes that correspond to attributes of the events
being displayed, currently the view looks like this:

<% events_group.each do |event| %> <% end %>
Date Image Event Name Band Name Venue Description
<%= event.eventDate.to_formatted_s(:short) %> <%=h image_tag event.photo.url(:thumb) %> <%=h event.eventName %> <%=h event.bandName %> <%=h event.venue %> <%=h event.description %> <%= link_to 'Show', event %> <%= link_to "Edit", polymorphic_path(event, :action => :edit) %> <%= link_to "Delete", event, :method => :delete, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :title => "Delete Event" %>

would the <%= form_for %> start and end tags include the whole table?

if so, the what instance variable would be in the form_for line

<%= form_for @??? ?

I’m just not sure, conceptually, how to go about making a form to edit
the attributes of multiple object.

Thanks in advance!