Hash Value Assignment Bug?

I have been trying to build a ACL system, and found what I believe is a

result = {“return_value”=>nil, “allow”=>“t”, “id”=>“1000002”}
=> {“allow”=>“t”, “return_value”=>nil, “id”=>“1000002”}

access = { :acl_id => result[“acl_id”], :return_value =>
result[“return_value”], :allow => allow }
=> {:return_value=>nil, :acl_id=>nil, :allow=>true}

What I was trying to do, is set the access hash values with the values
the result Hash. What I result with, is null values.

Warmest regards,

Your are assigning a key of :id to result, but accessing a key
of :acl_id in the seconds assignment.
It is not clear what your intentions are with :allow=>allow - is
allow defined somewhere, or did you mean :allow=>result[:allow] ??

access = { :acl_id => result[“acl_id”], :return_value =>
result[“return_value”], :allow => allow } => {:return_value=>nil,
:acl_id=>nil, :allow=>true}

Thanks Derek, appears it was a simple typo. Shortly after I sent this I
fixed a bug with the local allow variable which wasn’t testing for (t|f)
rather 1|0. After that was fixed, one of the nil’s was removed, this
explains the other.

Warmest regards,