On Mar 25, 2010, at 6:16 AM, Adam N. wrote:
Ok - here is code:
login = ‘aaa’
test = Hash.new
You can still simplify this with the suggestion that you received from
several others. Initialize your hash as:
test = Hash.new(0)
So that missing keys will appear as 0. (see note at end, too)
ip =
if test.has_key?(ip)
test[ip] += 1
test[ip] = 1
Then you don’t need to have this if, just put: (including where Robert
pointed out that ip holds a MatchData object.
test[ip[0]] += 1
Which is syntactic sugar for:
test[ip[0]] = test[ip[0]] + 1
If that key (ip[0]) doesn’t exist, it behaves like
test[ip[0]] = 0 + 1
I try with else test[ip] = 1 and without else - it still doesn’t work
like I need - maybe there is problem with “” or ‘’ because I don’t set
it when I put key to hash table
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
*Note: In general, if you want to set up a hash this way, you might
need to specifically assign to the hash like:
test = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = 0 }
but a Fixnum is immutable so there’s no problem “sharing” the value
0. If you were adding to an Array, these two initializations would
lead to different results:
test = Hash.new([])
test = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = [] }
(What those results are is left as an exercise for the reader
Rob B. http://agileconsultingllc.com
[email protected]