Hash assignment (what's happening?)

From within irb, I’m creating a hash and populating it with the
following data.

irb(main):007:0> {:QHector => 1967, :WKelly => 2551, :ECron => 0220,
:VLaura => 4003, :LWalter => 1188}

Why is the value for the ‘:ECron’ coming back as 144 instead of 0220?

=> {:ECron=>144, :VLaura=>4003, :LWalter=>1188, :QHector=>1967,

Thanks for your help in advance.

Hector Q. wrote:

From within irb, I’m creating a hash and populating it with the
following data.

irb(main):007:0> {:QHector => 1967, :WKelly => 2551, :ECron => 0220,
:VLaura => 4003, :LWalter => 1188}

Why is the value for the ‘:ECron’ coming back as 144 instead of 0220?

=> {:ECron=>144, :VLaura=>4003, :LWalter=>1188, :QHector=>1967,

Thanks for your help in advance.

Oops, the number is being interpreted by ruby as an Octal! Duh.


On Oct 5, 4:16 pm, Hector Q. [email protected] wrote:


Thanks for your help in advance.

Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

I think this could help :slight_smile:

Prefixing a ‘0’ to a number makes it octal. Either make it a string or
add the 0.
