Has_many through saving more than one field

Please how can I save more than one field ?

I have Product has many colors by quantity.

This works
#controller: products action: new file:_form.erb
<% for color in Color.all %>

<%= check_box_tag “product[color_ids][]”, color.id,
@product.colors.include?(color) %>
<%= color.name %>

<% end %>

but if I add one more field the value will not work.

<%= text_field_tag “stock[”+color.id.to_s+"][qtd]" %>

Please anyone can help me?

My structure:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :stocks, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :colors, :through => :stocks

class Color < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :stocks
has_many :product, :through => :stocks

class Stock < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :color

People I figure out this problem

The problem was solved with this


accepts_nested_attributes_for :stocks


<% for color in Color.all %>
    <%= check_box_tag "product[stocks_attributes][][color_id]",

color.id, @product.colors.include?(color) %>
<%= color.name %>
<%= text_field_tag “product[stocks_attributes][][qtd]” %>

<% end %>

Now I have another problem, How can I get the values from database to
show in the fields for edit action ?

Any one can help me ?

On 12 October 2011 13:24, Farah [email protected] wrote:

Now I have another problem, How can I get the values from database to
show in the fields for edit action ?

Asking a question so vague - how can I get values from database - is
very difficult to answer. Please give more details of what you are
trying to do.
Since this seems fairly basic stuff have you worked through the Rails
Guides and some tutorials? railstutorial.org is good and free to use


Existe alguma forma que voc conhea que posso preencher o valor do
text_field como preencho o checkbox, algo como:

<%= text_field_tag “product[stocks_attributes][]
[qtd]”, :value=>@product.stocks.include?(color) %>

mas o include? retorna boolean, eu queria que ele retornasse o valor
da posio encontrada da cor.

Se existisse esse mtodo j resolveria meu problema.

Sorry about that,

I have 3 tables/models products, colors, stock, the problem is I need
to save product with N colors and each color I need to tell what the
quantity each color.

The form is gonna be like this:


How can I save this information together ?

More especifications

Product model

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :stocks, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :colors, :through => :stocks
belongs_to :manufacturer

accepts_nested_attributes_for :stocks, :reject_if => lambda { |a|
a[:qtd].present? }


Stock Model

class Stock < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :color

Color Model

class Color < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :stocks
has_many :product, :through => :stocks

From view _form.erb

Just the associations:

<%= fields_for :stocks do |stock_form| %>
     <% for color in Color.all %>
        <%= stock_form.check_box :color_id %> <%= color.name %>
        <%= stock_form.text_field :qtd %>
     <% end %>
<% end %>

that’s it, anyone can help me ?

Anyone can Help me ?