Has_many << method returns a class with the wrong base type

I posted this originally on the comp.lang.ruby newsgroup, but I was told
bring it here.

I have a layered one to many relationship situation that is having some
weird problems. I’ve been trying to look for a solution but I can’t
seem to find it, or am not certain what keywords I should search on.
Okay lets explain the environment. A Ruby on Rails app, simple CMS.
Just some little tweaks. But versioning needs to be supported, and some
articles require that the body can have multiple pages. Also the
Articles can have multiple types, so they use a Single table
inheritance scheme.
So I have the following classes.
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :versions

def new_version(properties = {})
    self.pinned_version += 1
    properties[:version] = self.pinned_version
    self.versions << Version.new(properties)


class News < Article

there are other sub classes of articles but for brevity I only

display one for example.

class Version < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :article
has_many :article_pages

class ArticlePage < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :version

Now in my controller, I have a method that works like this…

Method to create a new Article. Create’s it with the initiated type

and creates the first version of the Article.

def create
@article = create_typed_article(params[:article])
@version = @article.new_version(params[:version])

params[:article_page].each do |page_name, page_data|
    page = ArticlePage.new()
    page.page_number = page_name.match(/\d+/)[0]
    page.body = page_data
    @version.article_pages << page

if @article.save
    flash[:notice] = 'Article was successfully created.'
    redirect_to :action => 'list'
    render :action => 'new'


Now the problem is, on the line “@version.article_pages << page”, I get
the following error:
undefined method `article_pages’ for Version:Class

But if I open up the console, and do the following…
v = Version.find(:conditions => [‘version = ? AND article_id = ?’, 1,

It works just fine. Now looking more closely at the error, it appears
that the Version object that is returned by new_version inherits from
Class instead of ActiveRecord::Base. Therefore it doesn’t seem to have
the collection of ArticlePage objects.

Well, it seems that the problem is that the @version.article_pages <<
returns an object with the wrong base type. Other methods from the
collection such as find and the index return an object with the right

I guess I can change my method to this:
def new_version(properties = {})
self.pinned_version += 1
properties[:version] = self.pinned_version
version = Version.new(properties)
self.versions << version
But that just seems to circumvent some of the niceities of the Ruby
language, and might as well be programming in Java or C#.
Anyone else run into this problem? Is there a solution? Is this a bug,
or by some sort of wicked design?


Sean W.
master nerd of
i heart squares, Co.

3711 N. Ravenswood Ave. #147 Chicago, IL 60613
Ph. (773) 531-6301 Fx. (773) 529-7041

Sean W. wrote:

I posted this originally on the comp.lang.ruby newsgroup, but I was told
bring it here.

I have a layered one to many relationship situation that is having some
weird problems. I’ve been trying to look for a solution but I can’t
seem to find it, or am not certain what keywords I should search on.
Okay lets explain the environment. A Ruby on Rails app, simple CMS.

Now in my controller, I have a method that works like this…

Now the problem is, on the line “@version.article_pages << page”, I get
the following error:
undefined method `article_pages’ for Version:Class

But if I open up the console, and do the following…
v = Version.find(:conditions => [‘version = ? AND article_id = ?’, 1,

It works just fine. Now looking more closely at the error, it appears
that the Version object that is returned by new_version inherits from
Class instead of ActiveRecord::Base. Therefore it doesn’t seem to have
the collection of ArticlePage objects.

Well, it seems that the problem is that the @version.article_pages <<
returns an object with the wrong base type. Other methods from the
collection such as find and the index return an object with the right

The problem, by the way, seems to be that ‘Version:Class’ error,
which indicates that the method called is Version.article_pages,
not Version.new.article_pages as it should.

Some more framework knowledge is required for figuring out why
this is the case.

Sean W.

E (from ruby-talk)

On 12/12/05, Eero S. [email protected] wrote:

The problem, by the way, seems to be that ‘Version:Class’ error,
which indicates that the method called is Version.article_pages,
not Version.new.article_pages as it should.

Some more framework knowledge is required for figuring out why
this is the case.

First off, why do you have to be so rude in your answer.

Secondly, your answer is wrong. Actually looking at the return value,
an Array.

Version.new() is called, and creates a new object of type Version.
That object is then added by the Article.article_pages << method. This
method adds the object to the array of Version objects, then it returns
actual Article.article_pages objec with the new Version object added to

So actually the correct answer would be on the other end of the
method I should then grab the last item in the array. Or I can simply
my new_version method to:

def new_version(properties = {})
self.pinned_version += 1
properties[:version] = self.pinned_version
(self.versions << Version.new(properties))[-1]

I just didn’t notice the little “[” before the returned
"#<Version:0x3804048 … " when i first was investigating the problem.

It would have been easy to just remind me that my assumption that the <<
method returns the object added instead of the actual object. But
you deside to act like a know it all, and give me a wrong answer.
the problem first before making such rude responses publicly.

Sean W.
master nerd of
i heart squares, Co.

3711 N. Ravenswood Ave. #147 Chicago, IL 60613
Ph. (773) 531-6301 Fx. (773) 529-7041

Sean W. wrote:

On 12/12/05, Eero S. [email protected] wrote:

The problem, by the way, seems to be that ‘Version:Class’ error,
which indicates that the method called is Version.article_pages,
not Version.new.article_pages as it should.

Some more framework knowledge is required for figuring out why
this is the case.

First off, why do you have to be so rude in your answer.

I am sorry if I came across that way; I was trying to explain
what ruby was able to discern and why this might be the right
place instead of ruby-talk.

Secondly, your answer is wrong. Actually looking at the return value,
an Array.

“undefined method `article_pages’ for Version:Class” refers to
a situation like (you can test this in irb):

class Version


It is certainly possible that there are other issues, but
this a strict interpretation of the error. I am not knowledgeable
of any other issues, which is why this forum is probably better
for further inquiries.

Version.new() is called, and creates a new object of type Version.
That object is then added by the Article.article_pages << method. This
method adds the object to the array of Version objects, then it returns
actual Article.article_pages objec with the new Version object added to

So actually the correct answer would be on the other end of the
method I should then grab the last item in the array. Or I can simply
my new_version method to:

def new_version(properties = {})
self.pinned_version += 1
properties[:version] = self.pinned_version
(self.versions << Version.new(properties))[-1]

I just didn’t notice the little “[” before the returned
"#<Version:0x3804048 … " when i first was investigating the problem.

It would have been easy to just remind me that my assumption that the <<
method returns the object added instead of the actual object. But
you deside to act like a know it all, and give me a wrong answer.
the problem first before making such rude responses publicly.

Just attempting to help you based on the information
you provided. Sorry again.

Is the problem solved or is this just a workaround?

Sean W.


On 12/12/05, Eero S. [email protected] wrote:

First off, why do you have to be so rude in your answer.

I am sorry if I came across that way; I was trying to explain
what ruby was able to discern and why this might be the right
place instead of ruby-talk.

Okay, sorry for gunning off there.

Right, but my problem was an assumption of how the << method worked.
The following IRB clued me in:

a = Article.new
=> #<Article:0x38130c0 @attributes={“sub_category_id”=>nil,
nil, “type”=>“RecordReview”, “approved”=>0, “assignment_id”=>nil,
n”=>0, “author_id”=>nil, “published_at”=>nil, “read_count”=>0,
}, @new_record=true>
=> []
v= a.new_version
=> [#<Version:0x3807ca8 @attributes={“rating”=>nil, “artist”=>nil,
“=>nil, “store_link”=>nil, “abstract”=>nil, “title”=>””,
“release_year”=>nil, “b
est_new_music”=>0, “record_label”=>nil, “version”=>1, “genre”=>nil,
"=>nil, “coverpic_id”=>nil, “article_id”=>0, “image_id”=>nil,
“source”=>nil}, @n
=> Array

Now I could see that v was actually an array containing Version object.
Didn’t see those little bracket thingies. After realizing that it was an
Array, I was able to go back and re-read the Array << method description
“Programming Ruby”. Despite my numerous reads before, I then realized
that I
had a misconception about that method, in which I thought it returned
added object, when in reality it returns the whole array with the added

I think I had the result confused with another method but I’m not quite
which at the moment, since all i see as far as return values for most
methods is the Array instance itself, or a new array instance.

It is certainly possible that there are other issues, but
this a strict interpretation of the error. I am not knowledgeable
of any other issues, which is why this forum is probably better
for further inquiries.

Array does not have the article_pages method. Which would give me the
i was having, except I do not understand why it said Version:Class when
error should be something like “undefined method `article_pages’ for

Which in the following IRB is exactly what I get:

b = []
=> []
=> []
=> Array
NoMethodError: undefined method `something’ for []:Array
from (irb):9

> Just attempting to help you based on the information > you provided. Sorry again. > > Is the problem solved or is this just a workaround?

Yes, sorry for the little heated exchange. You did help, but I just
misunderstood your tone.

I was able to solve it by changing the new_version method to act how I
wished with as few lines as I was expecting

def new_version(properties = {})
self.pinned_version += 1
properties[:version] = self.pinned_version
(self.versions << Version.new(properties))[-1]

Sean W.
master nerd of
i heart squares, Co.

3711 N. Ravenswood Ave. #147 Chicago, IL 60613
Ph. (773) 531-6301 Fx. (773) 529-7041