Has_many, conditions overrride

I have a prod site that has:

has_many :data, :conditions => {:aasm => ‘active’)

I do not want to modify it as I do not want to break existing

Is there a way to overrride this at runtime?

I have a prod site that has:

has_many :data, :conditions => {:aasm => ‘active’)

I do not want to modify it as I do not want to break existing functionality

Is there a way to overrride this at runtime?

If it were me, I’d add…

has_many :all_data, :class_name => ‘Data’

If it were really me, I’d swap it around and make your pre-existing
relationship “active_data” but since that isn’t an option…

I have no idea if you can override it during run time, but the above
should work just as well.


class name is irrelevant I just need to know if I can override the