Has many association with finder_sql

I have a customer and conversation model. A conversation is between 2
Here is my association in customer.
has_many :conversations, :class_name => “Conversation”, :order =>
‘updated_at DESC’, :finder_sql => ‘SELECT * FROM conversations c WHERE
(c.started_by = #{id} OR c.with = #{id})’ do
def with(cust_id)
all(:conditions => [“conversations.started_by = ? OR
conversations.with = ?”, cust_id, cust_id])

Inside the association block I made a method which filters on the second
customer of the conversation.

But when I do:

I get the following error.

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: Operand should contain 1
column(s): SELECT * FROM conversations WHERE (conversations.started_by
= 1 OR conversations.with = 1) AND (SELECT * FROM conversations c WHERE
(c.started_by = 1 OR c.with = 1)) ORDER BY updated_at DESC)

How can i make Rails build a correct sql request?

Greg Ma wrote in post #971151:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: Operand should contain 1
column(s): SELECT * FROM conversations WHERE (conversations.started_by
= 1 OR conversations.with = 1) AND (SELECT * FROM conversations c WHERE
(c.started_by = 1 OR c.with = 1)) ORDER BY updated_at DESC)

Are you sure you really need :finder_sql? I didn’t see anything here
that :condtions and :order couldn’t handle.