Has_many association and parent_id

Rails 3.1.3

Hi everyone again.

I’m trying to develop a database and tables which have the association
as follows.

Video 1 ----- 0…n Script

So, in ‘script.rb’

class Script < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :video


and in ‘video.rb’

class Video < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :scripts

Furthermore, in order to refer to the parent (in this case, ‘Video’), I
need to set video_id:integer for Script. Am I correct ?

in the migration file,

class CreateScripts < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change

create_table :scripts do |t|
  t.references :video
  t.string :text
add_index :scripts, :video_id


My question is: how can I actually associate a new ‘script’ entry with
its parent, ‘video’, in making a new ‘Script’ entry ?

For example, in ‘index.html.erb’ for NewScript page, I tried to put

<td><%= script.video_id %></td>

and in script_controller.rb

@script.video = Video.where(:video_id)

But certainly does not seem to work at all.
Could anyone show me how to set up ‘html.erb’ and ‘controller.rb’ to
associate a new ‘Script’ entry with its parent specifically ?

Thanks in advance.


On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 05:45, Soichi I. [email protected]

Furthermore, in order to refer to the parent (in this case, ‘Video’), I
need to set video_id:integer for Script. Am I correct ?


how can I actually associate a new ‘script’ entry with
its parent, ‘video’, in making a new ‘Script’ entry ?

For example, in ‘index.html.erb’ for NewScript page, I tried to put

<%= script.video_id %>

I don’t understand. index.html.erb is for showing the list of
something. What’s “NewScript” got to do with it?

You may be on almost the right track though. Assuming you get to
views/scripts/new.html.erb by clicking on something associated with a
video, you can set the new script object’s video_id in the controller,
and add a hidden field to hold it (for submission to create).

@script.video = Video.where(:video_id)

That where-clause isn’t going to work. It’s just saying “where
there’s a valid video_id”. Maybe you mean where :video_id => video.id
(if there is a variable called video), or maybe video_id.

Anyway, more direct would be simply “@script.video_id = video_id”. No
searching needed. Assuming of course that you already have the

BTW, do you know the definition of “Where Clause”? It’s a fat guy who
dresses up in a red suit and gives out presents, when the moon is
full. :wink:


Dave A.: Available Cleared Ruby on Rails Freelancer
(NoVa/DC/Remote) – see www.DaveAronson.com, and blogs at
www.Codosaur.us, www.Dare2XL.com, www.RecruitingRants.com

Thanks for your explanation. When I am confused, it is also difficult
to explain what I understand and what I don’t. But your guess is right.

@script.video_id = video_id”

Well, this worked as I wished. It was simpler than I thought!

Thanks again.


On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 02:28, Soichi I. [email protected]

It was simpler than I thought!

Rails often is. For example, a while back I was trying to do a simple
timesheet system. Couldn’t figure out how to force the newly entered
entries into the right places. Came up with a hairy and fragile way,
that duplicated a lot of what Rails was doing behind the scenes.
Correct solution? Don’t. Just let Rails do it. No problem. Now I
use essentially the same technique in The Decider
(http://thedecider.herokuapp.com), to let Rails keep track of which
rating in the spreadsheet is for which alternative in which factor.

Thanks again.

You’re welcome.


Dave A.: Available Cleared Ruby on Rails Freelancer
(NoVa/DC/Remote) – see www.DaveAronson.com, and blogs at
www.Codosaur.us, www.Dare2XL.com, www.RecruitingRants.com