I am new to rails, and don’t know how :has many and :belongs to work,
but I really like the idea of being able to say, for example
email.accounts, and I was wonderign what the requirements are. Does this
system work off of foreign keys, or does it work off of a system like
for example
email table
email account
Accounts table
name email
meaning, that it matches the two email fieldnames?
meaning, that it matches the two email fieldnames?
By default, ActiveRecord expects foreign keys to be named
In your example, account would have a field called email_id of type
:integer. You can then use belongs_to and has_many.
I would also suggest you spend some time trawling the web for
tutorials/books. There are many out there and they’ll help you
understand how Rails is put together.
Ben, I highly suggest you get the book Agile Development on Rails, and
it. It will give you a good understanding of how Rails works. Without a
understanding of the underlying technology, you’ll probably keep running
into walls when coding. But once you understanding it, coding becomes