I’m putting together what should be a simple app using content and
using has_and_belongs_to_many for each.
create_table :contents_tags, :id => false do |t|
t.references :content
t.references :tag
When a user tries to add a new tag, I’m trying to detect if the
content already has the tag.
So … I grab the tag like this:
tag = Tag.where(“name = ?”, tag_name)
Then I’m trying:
if !@content.tags.where(:id => “#{tag.id}”).present?
but tag.id is always a huge number, like 2165404200
I only have two tags in the db right now, so the ID should be either 1
or 2
and i’ve verified those IDs in the db.
Any idea what’s going on?
Here’s the whole block of code for reference:
params[:item][:tags].each do |tag_name|
tag = Tag.where(“name = ?”, tag_name)
if !@content.tags.where(:id => “#{tag.id}”).present?
@content.tags << tag