Handling runtime errors in embedded applications

Hi there,

So my application is basically a lightweight IDE for IronRuby, built in
C#, with the idea that users should be able to quickly edit and
prototype ruby scripts. Part of the application’s requirements is to
have the ability to handle compilation/syntax errors and runtime
exceptions, as well as the ability to ‘jump to’ the source of errors.

At the moment, I’m wrapping CreateScriptSourceFromFile, Compile and
Execute within a try/catch. Syntax errors are easily handled with a
custom ErrorListener passed into ScriptSource.Compile. Handling runtime
errors though are a little bit more tricky; the easiest way I’ve found
so far involves RubyExceptionData.GetInstance and a linq expression to
parse the backtrace with regexes. Not the most elegant solution, but it

However, one area where this method falls flat is when the error occurs
in a thread created within the script itself; execution is now outside
the try/catch, so I’m not able to catch the Exception object.
Futhermore, nothing seems to happen when the error does occur; nothing
gets written to the errorstream, nor is there any indication of any
error. It seems like the only way to handle these thread errors is to do
it within the script using a begin-rescue block.

My question is, is there an easier way to get runtime error information
other than RubyExceptionData? Additionally, what is the best way to
handle errors when they occur in a thread other than the one which calls
Execute()? It would be handy to be able to set some sort of global
‘ErrorListener’, or perhaps have the ability to pass in such an object
to the call to Execute.

Kind regards,


To be up-front, your requirements are all possible with IronRuby.

For syntax errors, you’re doing the right thing by using

For runtime errors, this gets trickier since all IronRuby runtime errors
are also actual CLR exceptions, so you need to depend on the CLR’s
exception catching mechanisms to detect runtime errors and have your
application react accordingly. While using try/catch is one way to
simply capture exceptions, as you say, it doesn’t cover all cases like
catching exceptions from other threads. To solve this, you can hook the
CLR’s ApplicationUnhandedException event to catch all exceptions from
code executing in an AppDomain:

public static void Main() {
AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
currentDomain.UnhandledException += new
try {
throw new Exception(“1”);
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine("Catch clause caught : " + e.Message);
throw new Exception(“2”);
// Output:
// Catch clause caught : 1
// MyHandler caught : 2
static void MyHandler(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs
args) {
Exception e = (Exception) args.ExceptionObject;
Console.WriteLine("MyHandler caught : " + e.Message);

AppDomain.UnhandedException documentation:
AppDomain.UnhandledException Event (System) | Microsoft Learn.

Now that you have a reliable way of capturing the actual exception
object, you need to do something useful with it. Rather than using
RubyExceptionData, it’s preferred to use the DLR hosting API:
“ScriptEngine.GetService()”. This gives you a
ExceptionOperations type, which you can use to format an exception as
the language defines.

However, it sounds like you’d rather get a list of stack frames to
iterate through, and get information about the frame, rather than just a
stacktrace string. You can get the actual dynamic stack frames with
ScriptingRuntimeHelpers.GetDynamicStackFrames(exception), which will
give you a DynamicStackFrame[] to iterate through, and pull out
filenames, line numbers, and method names, without resorting to a regex.

Does that answer all your questions?


From: [email protected]
[[email protected]] on behalf of James Leskovar
[[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2009 3:12 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Ironruby-core] Handling runtime errors in embedded

Hi there,

So my application is basically a lightweight IDE for IronRuby, built in
C#, with the idea that users should be able to quickly edit and
prototype ruby scripts. Part of the application’s requirements is to
have the ability to handle compilation/syntax errors and runtime
exceptions, as well as the ability to ‘jump to’ the source of errors.

At the moment, I’m wrapping CreateScriptSourceFromFile, Compile and
Execute within a try/catch. Syntax errors are easily handled with a
custom ErrorListener passed into ScriptSource.Compile. Handling runtime
errors though are a little bit more tricky; the easiest way I’ve found
so far involves RubyExceptionData.GetInstance and a linq expression to
parse the backtrace with regexes. Not the most elegant solution, but it

However, one area where this method falls flat is when the error occurs
in a thread created within the script itself; execution is now outside
the try/catch, so I’m not able to catch the Exception object.
Futhermore, nothing seems to happen when the error does occur; nothing
gets written to the errorstream, nor is there any indication of any
error. It seems like the only way to handle these thread errors is to do
it within the script using a begin-rescue block.

My question is, is there an easier way to get runtime error information
other than RubyExceptionData? Additionally, what is the best way to
handle errors when they occur in a thread other than the one which calls
Execute()? It would be handy to be able to set some sort of global
‘ErrorListener’, or perhaps have the ability to pass in such an object
to the call to Execute.

Kind regards,

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Ironruby-core mailing list
[email protected]

Oh really? Is there any way to get a to the dynamic stack trace info
without parsing it yourself?


On Dec 29, 2009, at 12:51 AM, “Tomas M.”
<[email protected]

ScriptingRuntimeHelpers.GetDynamicStackFrames does not work for IronRuby
frames though, only Python is using this technique of stack tracing.


Unfortunantly, the problem with setting the unhandled exception event is
that there’s no way to ‘recover’ from the exception; the application
terminates immediately after the event. Additionally, this method
doesn’t seem to work for exceptions within threads:

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new
Console.WriteLine(“Creating engine”);
var engine = Ruby.CreateEngine();
engine.Execute(“Thread.start { puts ‘raising exception…’; raise
Exception, ‘my exception’; puts ‘not reached’; }”);

static void MyExceptionHandler(object sender, 

UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Caught " +

On my box (IronRuby 0.9.2, .NET 3.5sp1), the output is
Creating engine
raising exception…

and then blocks on the call to ReadKey, without ever calling
MyExceptionHandler. Again, the current workaround is to use a
begin-rescue inside the thread proc, which isn’t too terrible. One
possible solution would probably be to reopen Thread.start so that it
wraps the given block with begin-rescue, and then pass the exception
object onto my host object for invoking onerror events.

Jimmy S. wrote:

To solve this, you can hook the
CLR’s ApplicationUnhandedException event to catch all exceptions from
code executing in an AppDomain:

UnhandledException does have the feature to not terminate the process;
you need to do “e.Handled = true;” in your exception handler to tell the
CLR that the exception has been properly handled. If you don’t set it,
the CLR doesn’t see the exception as handled and continues propagating
the exception, which will eventually terminate the process.

I was pretty sure it worked for Threads as well, since all threads are
still bound to the current AppDomain, but let me know if your fixed
exception handler still doesn’t solve this. However, your work-around
will work in the meantime.


From: [email protected]
[[email protected]] on behalf of James Leskovar
[[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 4:26 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Handling runtime errors in embedded

Unfortunantly, the problem with setting the unhandled exception event is
that there’s no way to ‘recover’ from the exception; the application
terminates immediately after the event. Additionally, this method
doesn’t seem to work for exceptions within threads:

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new
Console.WriteLine(“Creating engine”);
var engine = Ruby.CreateEngine();
engine.Execute(“Thread.start { puts ‘raising exception…’; raise
Exception, ‘my exception’; puts ‘not reached’; }”);

static void MyExceptionHandler(object sender,

UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Caught " +

On my box (IronRuby 0.9.2, .NET 3.5sp1), the output is
Creating engine
raising exception…

and then blocks on the call to ReadKey, without ever calling
MyExceptionHandler. Again, the current workaround is to use a
begin-rescue inside the thread proc, which isn’t too terrible. One
possible solution would probably be to reopen Thread.start so that it
wraps the given block with begin-rescue, and then pass the exception
object onto my host object for invoking onerror events.

Jimmy S. wrote:

To solve this, you can hook the
CLR’s ApplicationUnhandedException event to catch all exceptions from
code executing in an AppDomain:

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Ironruby-core mailing list
[email protected]

Hmm, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs seems to only have two properties,
ExceptionObject and IsTerminating, both of which are read-only. After a
bit of investigation, there is another type of unhandled-exception
handler, set with Application.ThreadException, which can prevent
application termination. However, it only catches exceptions in Windows
Forms threads, so it’s not applicable for DLR exceptions (indeed, the
event is not fired when an IR exception occurs.)


Jimmy S. wrote:

UnhandledException does have the feature to not terminate the process;
you need to do “e.Handled = true;” in your exception handler to tell the
CLR that the exception has been properly handled. If you don’t set it,
the CLR doesn’t see the exception as handled and continues propagating
the exception, which will eventually terminate the process.

I was pretty sure it worked for Threads as well, since all threads are
still bound to the current AppDomain, but let me know if your fixed
exception handler still doesn’t solve this. However, your work-around
will work in the meantime.


Odd… I’ve used the e.Handled argument before too…