Handling Illegal Dates When User Enters Date

For my website when a user creates an account they have to fill out
birthdate using pulldown menus. If a user enters an illegal date the
throws an error before I even get the opportunity to validate the date
the user model on save.

Soon as I do the following in my controller:

@user = User.new(params[:user])

The following error is thrown:

1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes

How are people handling situations like this… what is the best
I don’t personaly want to do validation outside of the model… that
just suck :-p. Thanks for any input you might have!

Thanks :-).

John K.
[email protected]

Blog: http://www.kopanas.com
Conference: http://www.cusec.net
Twits: http://www.twitter.com/kopanas

Here’s what I’ve done:

@user = User.new(params[:user])
rescue ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors
# date is invalid, so reset these fields before creating new
user object
params[:user][‘date_of_birth(1i)’] = ‘’
params[:user][‘date_of_birth(2i)’] = ‘’
params[:user][‘date_of_birth(3i)’] = ‘’
# try again, letting our model’s
validates_presence_of :date_of_birth
# handle things.
@user = User.new(params[:user])

By the way, I neglected to mention the fact that this code goes in
your controller. Also, the formatting got messed up, but I think you
can still get the gist of it.

Your solution makes sense… but isn’t the problem with this that you
not adding an error onto your model’s error stack so a proper error is
being displayed? I am assuming their is more “Rails Way” of handling
this… no?

On Jan 29, 2008 11:16 PM, Pat N. [email protected] wrote:

rescue ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors

Soon as I do the following in my controller:

John K.
[email protected]

Blog: http://www.kopanas.com
Conference: http://www.cusec.net
Twits: http://www.twitter.com/kopanas

Good point. While it’s still controller centric, here’s another pass,
with a specific error on the date_of_birth field:

@user = User.new(params[:user])
rescue ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors

date is invalid, so reset these fields before creating new user

params[:user][‘date_of_birth(1i)’] = ‘’
params[:user][‘date_of_birth(2i)’] = ‘’
params[:user][‘date_of_birth(3i)’] = ‘’

try again, letting our model’s

validates_presence_of :date_of_birth

handle things.

@user = User.new(params[:user])

Adding a specific error:

@user.errors.add(:date_of_birth, “was invalid”)