Handling cookies with Net::HTTP?

I am having a strange problem and it is partly due to my poor
understanding of cookies. So any help is greatly appreciated.

I am trying to navigate through a site which requires that I provide
them with the cookies they send me. I am having some trouble here. I
am grabbing the ‘set-cookie’ header they send back to me and storing
each cookie in a hash like: cookies[name] = value. Here is the code I
wrote for that:

def parse_cookie(set_cookie)
# Attempt to pull out SID, BID, CID
@cookies ||= {}
[‘SID’, ‘BID’, ‘CID’].each do |var|
cookie = set_cookie.scan(/(#{var}=.*?);/)
cookie = cookie.join(’’).split(’=’)
@cookies[cookie[0]] = cookie[1] unless cookie.size != 2

I only want the SID, BID, and CID cookies.

Then when I send another request to them I am doing the following:

def cookies
cookie_str = ‘’
@cookies.each do |k, v|
unless cookie_str == ‘’
cookie_str << ‘;’
cookie_str << k << ‘=’ << v
end unless @cookies.nil?

req.add_field ‘Cookie’, cookies #this calls the above method

Which ended up sending the following ‘Cookie’ header:


Am I not sending the cookie header properly, because the site is not
accepting them. Do I need to include more information than just the
name and the value?

Thanks for your help.

Thank You,
Ben J.
E: [email protected]

On Sat, Jul 15, 2006 at 07:37:23AM +0900, Ben J. wrote:

I am having a strange problem and it is partly due to my poor
understanding of cookies. So any help is greatly appreciated.

How about using mechanize so you don’t have to worry about handling
and other things like redirects.


Well, mechanize does a lot I do not need it to. I am looking for as
much speed as I can get and Net::HTTP seems to be quite a bit faster
without a lot of the excess features that I do not need. I just need
some help storing and sending cookies using Net::HTTP.


Thank You,
Ben J.
E: [email protected]