I am starting to look at haml and was wondering if there is anything
else like this out there that make working with html easier?
Kind Regards,
Rajinder Y.
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I am starting to look at haml and was wondering if there is anything
else like this out there that make working with html easier?
Kind Regards,
Rajinder Y.
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On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 11:14 PM, Rajinder Y. [email protected]
I am starting to look at haml and was wondering if there is anything else
like this out there that make working with html easier?
there are quite a few options, but Haml is definitely the most
of the alternatives.
By alternative, I mean it in the sense that you implied - that it
how you construct
HTML. There are some alternatives to Erb, like Erubis, that make your
rendering faster,
but you are still using Erb syntax (HTML with ruby code in escapes).
Markaby was an earlier attempt to accomplish the same things as Haml,
I think
Haml has stolen its marketshare. There are also probably a few plugins
let you use
Markdown or Textile syntax for your HTML authoring.
You might want to check out Webby to see some options. Its a static site
but it has support for a whole laundry list of templating options.
There are some Indonesian fellows working on W2tags
(GitHub - wharsojo/w2tags: w2tags is the way to tags, a short cut / macros. when it do it use some patern define in files (HOT file) to produce tags from minimal code to become full fledge tags)
I’m don’t know how many people use it, but if you’re looking for
alternatives maybe you can check it out.
On Dec 8, 4:14 pm, Rajinder Y. [email protected] wrote:
I am starting to look at haml and was wondering if there is anything
else like this out there that make working with html easier?
You can look at the list of templating engines supported by Ramaze:
On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Rajinder Y. [email protected]
I will take a closer look at Webby. Not sure what it is suited for by
reading the website right now, but I am sure the light-bulb will go on
eventually =)
what webby lets you do is maintain a website as a tree of static
template files on your local directory. your web dev workflow goes
it gives you the best of both worlds - templating and code reuse like
you get in dynamic sites, but no need to have the html actually
generated on your webserver.
On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Rajinder Y. [email protected]
Lists ten templating languages, links to repos, home pages, docs, news,
gives a brief summary / installation command / popularity comparison for
Richard C. wrote:
On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 11:14 PM, Rajinder Y. [email protected] wrote:
I am starting to look at haml and was wondering if there is anything else
like this out there that make working with html easier?Rajinder,
there are quite a few options, but Haml is definitely the most popular
of the alternatives.
Hi Richard,
thanks for the feedback. I just wanted to get a sense of what is out
there and is the most popular. You covered it pretty good with your
reply. I like haml, it was somewhat easy to get up and going after
reading it’s FAQ.
I will take a closer look at Webby. Not sure what it is suited for by
reading the website right now, but I am sure the light-bulb will go on
eventually =)
Markdown or Textile syntax for your HTML authoring.
Kind Regards,
Rajinder Y.
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Josh C. wrote:
Do Good! - Share Freely
Hi Josh, this is an excellent link, thanks!
Lists ten templating languages, links to repos, home pages, docs, news, and
gives a brief summary / installation command / popularity comparison for
Kind Regards,
Rajinder Y.
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Martin DeMello wrote:
- test locally
- when satisfied, push the static html files to your remote site
it gives you the best of both worlds - templating and code reuse like
you get in dynamic sites, but no need to have the html actually
generated on your webserver.martin
Hi Martin,
Thanks for clearing up the features and benefits of Webby. The Webby
team should take what you just said and post in on their site.
Kind Regards,
Rajinder Y.
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