[HAML + RAILS 3] cannot output the html from my view helper just output a string

I am stuck for hours with a view helper I cannot make it running
well .

In my haml view I wrote

%h3= I18n.t(:category_list)
= list_all_categories(@categories)

and my helper just output all the html code as a STRING …

def list_all_categories(categories)
if categories.size > 0
ret = “

    categories.each { |subcategory|
    ret += “
  • \n”
    ret += link_to h(subcategory.name), admin_categories_path
    ret += link_to "  “+h(”"),
    ret += “\n”
    if subcategory.children.size > 0
    ret += list_all_categories(subcategory.children)
    ret += “
  • \n”
    ret += “

as you noticed I have a nested function in it … the output html is
correct but it’s a string in the view, not the raw html

what should I use then ?

On 20 January 2011 14:40, Erwin [email protected] wrote:

and my helper just output all the html code as a STRING …
if subcategory.children.size > 0
ret += list_all_categories(subcategory.children)
ret += “\n”
ret += “\n”

You need to tell rails 3 that this is html save so insert here

Also make sure that you have escaped anything you got out of the db
and put into ret.

thanks, i’ll test it

= Haml::Engine.new(list_all_categories(@categories)).render(self)
in the view seems to render correctly …