I just wanted to let everyone know that we’re in the middle of the
GNU Radio Hackfest we’ve ever had. We’ve pretty much got the whole GNU
Radio core team here at Ettus R. in CA for the week. The 15 of us
have already made a lot of great progress, and we’ll be posting more
all the great work happening.
If you want to follow along, I’ll be tweeting about it all week, so
follow @MattEttus. We’re all using the #grhack hashtag so you can get updates
from the other folks as well. As always, you can join us on the #gnuradio
channel on IRC if you want to transmit and not just receive
We’re also posting videos of some of our talks on the Ettus R.
Youtube Channel. The first one is Tom R.'s talk about Control
which is a very exciting new development.
We’re also posting videos of some of our talks on the Ettus R.
Youtube Channel. The first one is Tom R.'s talk about Control
Port, which is a very exciting new development. Ettus Research - YouTube
You guys are having too much fun. I insist, for the sake of those of us
who cannot attend, that you stop it immediately
Marcus L.
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium
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