HABTM fixtures issue

Hi all , (environment : Rails 2.1, Authorization Plugin)

I am setting up fixtures (w autogenerated IDs) , but I am stuck with
the following issue w the roles_users table

I have a users.yaml fixtures file w following info

created_at: <%= 15.days.ago.to_s(:db) %>
updated_at: <%= 15.days.ago.to_s(:db) %>
activated_at: <%= 15.days.ago.to_s :db %>
first_name: mickey
last_name: rourcke
email: [email protected]
franchise: two
state: active

I can define the HABTM relation directly into the ‘roles.yaml’
fixtures file as follows :

created_at: <%= 15.days.ago.to_s(:db) %>
updated_at: <%= 15.days.ago.to_s(:db) %>

name: administrator
authorizable: two (Franchise)
users: mickey

no need for a users_roles.yaml file the users_roles data are created
into the table, BUT…
the timestamps ARE NOT set in the roles_users table…

any clue ?



On 3 Sep 2008, at 09:23, Erwin [email protected] wrote:

Hi all , (environment : Rails 2.1, Authorization Plugin)

I am setting up fixtures (w autogenerated IDs) , but I am stuck with
the following issue w the roles_users table

Extra attributes on habtm join tables is kinds deprecated, so I
wouldn’t be surprised if the foxy fixtures stuff (which was only added
in 2.0) didn’t support it.


I modified the fixtures.rb , according to the patch, and it runs
well… I get the timestamps OK in the generated users_roles table…
even if HABTM is deprecated, the Authorization Plugin is still using
it… good question asked in Authorization Plugin group


On 3 Sep 2008, at 09:54, Erwin [email protected] wrote:

Hi Fred, thanks for being there…

I looked into activerecord-2.1.0/lib/active_record/fixtures.rb to
see if the foxy fixtures stuff was there… it’s not (I discovered
this patch goggling a little bit…)

It must be or you’d have to have a user_roles.yml file. Foxy fixtures
is just a name - I wouldn’t be surprised if that string didn’t appear
anywhere in it


Hi Fred, thanks for being there…

I looked into activerecord-2.1.0/lib/active_record/fixtures.rb to
see if the foxy fixtures stuff was there… it’s not (I discovered
this patch goggling a little bit…)

I 'll try to patch it… but I neved did that before…
once I get the .diff file, how can I do that ? I can suppress/add
lines by hand, but I suppose there is a fancy way to do it
