HABTM Duplication

I’m experiencing an issue with duplicate entries being added when using
has_and_belongs_to_many in my models. I’ve setup the following test
project (v3.0.7) here:

The test case which is failing is:

Here’s where I think the issue may reside:

I noticed there were threads in the past with a HABTM duplication error,
I’m not sure if this is a regression of if I’m doing something wrong.
ideas? Please let me know if I should provide any additional

On May 13, 10:05pm, Mark H [email protected] wrote:

I noticed there were threads in the past with a HABTM duplication error, so
I’m not sure if this is a regression of if I’m doing something wrong. Any
ideas? Please let me know if I should provide any additional information,

is it because your fixture files define two members that are active
(so they get added to the invoice too) ?


Hey Fred,

Nice catch, I went ahead and updated my fixtures file (so that no active
members are created). However I’m still running into the same issue :frowning:

Hey Fred,

When attempting to save the members with this newly created invice the
relation was trying to add the same member (member_id=1 in my case)
However I setup a unique index on the composite key (member_id,
so I end up with a SQLite3 ConstraintError being thrown (which I

On another note I just changed my code to include a Participation model
I’m using to support the many-to-many relationship between Member and
Invoice. Using has_many :members, :through => :participations works
without trying to create duplicate Member entries. So I’m not sure if
is an issue with HABTM or my code. Related changes can be found here:

So everything is working as expected now, just a little bit differently
I would’ve hoped. Thanks for the tips!

On May 13, 11:10pm, Mark H [email protected] wrote:

Hey Fred,

Nice catch, I went ahead and updated my fixtures file (so that no active
members are created). However I’m still running into the same issue :frowning:

updated fixtures so users are not active by default · mhayes/waterclub@35e985a · GitHub

So what are the members this newly created invoice has?
