It seems that when a HABTM (or has many) is involved, having a
confirmation page prior to saving doesn’t work as seamlessly as other
Rails view/model parings, specifically when confirming an edit. This
is caused by the immediate inserts or deletes that take place upon
assigning to collection_ids. Changes are saved regardless of whether
the user wants to cancel or proceed.
select_tag ‘product[provider_ids][]’, collection_options_with_selected
def preview
@product = Product.find params[:id]
@product.attributes = params[:product] #provider_ids saved here
if @product.valid?
render 'confirm;
render ‘edit’
build is not appropriate and push has the same functionality as
assigning to provider_ids.
So I have to do this:
def preview
@product = Product.find params[:id]
@product.attributes = params[:product] #no product
@selected_providers = Provider.find_by_ids params[:provider_ids]
#to display provider names in confirm page
def update
@product = Product.find params[:id]
@product.attributes = params[:product]
@provider_ids = params[:provider_ids]
if @product.valid?
Product.transaction do
@product.provider_ids = @provider_ids
else …
There’s no way to do this in the typical Rails attribute assignment
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