I have two models that have a habtm relationship and it only seems to
be working in one direction.
The two models are “recipe” and “msn_lifestyles_feed” with a join
table called “msn_lifestyles_feeds_recipes”
the tables for msn_lifestyles_feed and msn_lifestyles_feeds_recipes
are in the same database and the recipe table is in a completely
different database.
When I create a recipe object, it works fine and I can see all the
feeds that it’s a part of but when I create a feed object and try to
access all its recipes I get an error saying:
OLE error code:80040E37 in Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Invalid object name ‘dbo.msn_lifestyles_feeds_recipes’
I’ve also tried this using has_many :through and I get the same error.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.