HABTM and Check Boxes (Yet Another thread on this)

Hi there,

it’s an afternoon that i’m destroying my head on this, and i’ve decided
to ask to you all .

I’ve got to do some check box lists for a modified substruct version i’m
doing, right now, i’m interested to insert a list of categories of
interests into a customer sheet

i’m using the substruct plugin version, wich stays in the plugin/vendor
the category.rb stays in the myapp/app/models , while the order_user.rb
stays in myapp/vendor/plugins/substruct/app/models .

this is my models

class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :order_users

class OrderUser < ActiveRecord::Base
include CheckboxSelectable
has_and_belongs_to_many :categories
#many other things down below

this are my controller

def updateCust
@customer = OrderUser.find(params[:id])
@customer.update_check_list(params, ‘Category’)

    if @customer.save
    flash[:notice] = 'Customer was successfully updated.'
    redirect_to :action => 'customers'
        flash[:notice] = 'Something went wrong,please review your

redirect_to :action => ‘customers’

and the view

<%= checkbox_select(‘customer’, ‘categories’, @categories, ‘name’) %>

As you can see, i’m using the Checkbox select rails plugin (
I’ve already tried the version in the railscast
(#17 HABTM Checkboxes - RailsCasts) but in both cases, the first time i
try to load the page, i get this error:

substruct_development.categories_order_users’ doesn’t exist: SELECT
categories.id FROM categories INNER JOIN categories_order_users
ON categories.id = categories_order_users.category_id

, so i reload and all goes fine!ad the boxes too, they appears!

but if i try to check a box and then to save a record, i get this error:

ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in

Category(#18224400) expected, got Category(#18557480)

or something similar, only numbers change!

Now, AssociationTypeMismatch is when you want to cope wrong types of
data together, but this is not the case :frowning:

what i’ve to do? please help me!

no one can help me?

Enzo R. wrote:

no one can help me?

What does your categories_order_users migration look like?

On 15 Jan 2009, at 18:10, Enzo R. wrote:

or something similar, only numbers change!

Now, AssociationTypeMismatch is when you want to cope wrong types of
data together, but this is not the case :frowning:

That sounds to me like an automatic code reloading problem: the plugin
isn’t reloaded but your application’s models are:
if the problem doesn’t exist in production mode then that is the most
likely cause


problem fixed.

i just forgot to put the join table ._.

i feelin more noob than ever :P, but i learned something new! :wink:

Thanks everyone for the suggestions!